How can dryland farming benefit you and provide cleaner air?
Below are research and extension publications.
Refereed Journal Articles
Higginbotham, R.W., S.S. Jones, and A.H. Carter. 2013. Wheat Cultivar performance and stability between no-till and conventional tillage systems in the Pacific Northwest of the United States. Sustainability 5:882-895
Book Chapter
McGuire, A.M. 2012. Mustard Green Manure Use in Eastern Washington State. In Zhongqi He, Robert Larkin and Wayne Honeycutt (ed.) Sustainable Potato Production: Global Case Studies. Springer Publishing Co. New York, NY.
Refereed Journal Articles
Sharratt, B.S. and V. Vaddella. 2012. Threshold friction velocity of soils within the Columbia Plateau. Aeolian Res. 6:13-20. 2012.
Sharratt, B.S., L. Wendling, and G. Feng. 2012. Surface characteristics of a windblown soil altered by tillage intensity during summer fallow. Aeolian Res. 5:1-7.
Singh, P., B. Sharratt, and W. Schillinger. 2012. Wind erosion and PM10 emission affected by tillage systems in the world’s driest rainfed wheat region. Soil & Tillage Res.124:219-225.
Singh, P., H. Abdou, M. Flury, W.F. Schillinger, and T. Knappenberger. Critical water potentials for germination of wheat cultivars in the dryland northwest USA. Seed Science Research.
Young, D.L., and W.F. Schillinger. 2012. Wheat farmers adopt the undercutter fallow method to reduce wind erosion and sustain profitability. Soil & Tillage Research 124:240-244.
Refereed Journal Articles
Feng, G., B. Sharratt, and F. Young. 2011. Soil properties governing soil erosion affected by cropping systems in the US Pacific Northwest. Soil & Tillage Research 111:168-174.
Feng, G., B. Sharratt and F. Young.2011. Influence of long-term tillage and crop rotations on soil hydraulic properties in the Pacific Northwest. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 66:233-241.
Feng, G., B. Sharratt, and L. Wendling. 2011. Fine particle emission potential from loam soils in a semi-arid region. Soil Science Society of America Journal 75:2262-2270.
Higginbotham, R.W., S.S. Jones, and A.H. Carter. 2011. Adaptability of wheat cultivars to a late-planted no-till fallow production system. Sustainability 3:1224-1233.
Schillinger, W.F. 2011. Rainfall impacts winter wheat seedling emergence from deep planting depths. Agronomy Journal 103:730-734.
Schillinger, W.F. 2011. Practical lessons for successful long-term cropping systems experiments. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 26:1-3.
Sharratt, B.S. 2011. Size distribution of windblown sediment emitted from agricultural fields in the Columbia Plateau. Soil Science Society of America 75:1054-1060.
Sharratt, B.S. and R. Edgar. 2011. Implications of changing PM10 air quality standards on Pacific Northwest communities affected by windblown dust. Atmospheric Environment 45:4626-4630.
Singh, P., Flury, M., and W.F. Schillinger. 2011. Predicting seed-zone water content for summer fallow in the Inland Pacific Northwest, USA. Soil & Tillage Research 115-116:94-104.
Wuest, S.B., and W.F. Schillinger. 2011. Evaporation from high residue no-till versus tilled fallow in a dry summer climate. Soil Science Society of America Journal 75:1512-1518.
Extension Bulletins and Videos
Esser, A.D. 2011. Wireworm scouting: Shovel method and modified wireworm sola bait trap. Washington State University Extension Facts Sheet FS059E.
McGuire, A. 2011. 2009 High residue farming under irrigation workshop digest. High residue farming under irrigation workshop series. 34 p.
McGuire, A. 2011.2010 High residue farming under irrigation workshop digest. High residue farming under irrigation workshop series. 25 p.
Zimmerman, T.J., and A. McGuire. 2011. High Residue Farming Under Irrigation.
Published Abstracts
Esser, A.D. 2011. Wireworm control in cereal grain production. In National Association of County Agricultural Agents annual meeting and Professional Improvement Conference Proceedings, 7-11 Aug., Overland Park, KS.
Esser, A.D., K.S. Pike, and R. Dewald. 2011. Controlling wireworms with Neonicotinoid insecticides in wheat. In National Association of County Agricultural Agents annual meeting and Professional Improvement Conference Proceedings, 7-11 Aug., Overland Park, KS.
Esser, A.D. 2011. Chemical fallow herbicide application. Washington State Weed Association annual conference, 2-4 Nov., Yakima, WA.
Esser, A.D. 2011. Beyond the CLEARFIELD® winter wheat system. Washington State Weed Association annual conference, 3-5 Nov., Yakima, WA.
Esser, A.D. and R. Hennings. 2011. Winter canola feasibility in rotation with winter wheat. WSU Showcase, 25 March, Pullman, WA.
Feng, G, B. Sharratt, and V. Vaddella. 2011. Impact of rainfall on crust formation and properties for loamy soils in a semiarid region. [CD-ROM]. American Society of Agronomy annual meeting, 16-20 Oct., San Antonio, TX. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Abstracts.
Noll, C., J. Kannady, and B. Sharratt. 2011. Lithic scatters that blow: Wind as an agent of secondary deposition of Lithic artifacts. Society for American Archeology, 30 March – 3 April, Sacramento, CA.
Sharratt, B.S. 2011. Complying with tighter PM10air quality standards amid the dust in the Pacific Northwest. [CD-ROM]. American Society of Agronomy annual meeting, 16-20 Oct., San Antonio, TX. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Abstracts.
Sharratt, B. 2011. Size characteristics of windblown soil: Field observations from the Columbia Plateau, USA. American Geophysical Union, 5-8 Dec., San Francisco, CA.
Books and Book Chapters
Schillinger, W.F., R.I. Papendick, and D.K McCool. 2010. Soil and water challenges for Pacific Northwest agriculture. p. 47-80. In T.M. Zobeck and W.F. Schillinger (eds.) Soil and Water Conservation Advances in the United States. Soil Science Society of America Special Publication 60, Madison, WI.
Zobeck, T.M, and W.F. Schillinger (eds.). 2010. Soil and Water Conservation Advances in the United States. Soil Science Society of America Special Publication 60, Madison, WI. 301 pp.
Refereed Journal Articles
Hagen, L., S. van Pelt and B. Sharratt. 2010. Estimating the saltation and suspension components from field wind erosion. Aeolian Research 1:147-153.
Lutcher, L.K., W.F. Schillinger, N.W. Christensen, S.B. Wuest, and D.J. Wysocki. 2010. Phosphorus fertilization of late-planted winter wheat into no-till fallow. Agronomy Journal 102:868-874.
Paulitz, T.C., K.L. Schroeder, and W.F. Schillinger. 2010. Soilborne pathogens of cereals in an irrigated cropping system: Effects of tillage, residue management, and crop rotation. Plant Disease 94:61-68.
Schillinger, W.F., D.L. Young, A.C. Kennedy, and T.C. Paulitz. 2010. Diverse no-till irrigated crop rotations instead of burning and plowing continuous wheat. Field Crops Research 115:39-49.
Sharratt, B., L. Wendling, and G. Feng. 2010. Windblown dust affected by tillage intensity during summer fallow. Aeolian Research 2:129-134.
Extension Bulletins and Videos
McGuire, A.M. 2010. High residue farming under irrigation: Strip-till. WSU Extension publication. EM036E.
Wuest, S.B, W.F. Schillinger, and M.K. Corp. 2010. One tillage pass can produce highly effective tilled summer fallow. Columbia Basin Agricultural Research Center Dryland Research Report 101. Oregon State University and USDA-ARS, Pendleton, OR.
Published Abstracts
Esser, A.D. 2010. Beyond the CLEARFIELD® winter wheat system. Washington State Weed Association annual conference. 3-5 November, Yakima, WA.
Esser, A.D. R. Dewald, and M. Sheffels. 2010. Controlling wireworms with neonicotinoid insecticides in wheat. National Association of County Agricultural Agents annual meeting and Professional Improvement conference proceedings. 11-15 July, Tulsa, OK.
Esser, A.D., and R. Hennings. 2010. Winter canola feasibility in rotation with winter wheat. National Association of County Agricultural Agents annual meeting and Professional Improvement conference proceedings. 11-15 July, Tulsa, OK.
Feng, G. and B. Sharratt. 2010. Fine-dust entrainment potential from loessial soils in the US Pacific Northwest. Seventh International Conference on Aeolian Research, 5-9 July, Santa Rosa, Argentina.
Feng, G. and B. Sharratt. 2010. Evaluation and application of a soil erosion model on the Columbia Plateau, USA. Seventh International Conference on Aeolian Research, 5-9 July, Santa Rosa, Argentina.
Kennedy, A.C., T.L. Stubbs, W.F. Schillinger, and T.A. Smith. 2010. Soil quality differences among long-term no-till irrigated crop rotations to replace burning and plowing continuous wheat [CD-ROM]. Soil Science Society of America annual meeting, 31 Oct. – 3 Nov., Long Beach, CA. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Abstracts.
Schillinger, W.F. 2010. Alternatives to burning irrigated wheat stubble in the Pacific Northwest, USA. Black Carbon and Arctic Warming Conference, 8-10 Nov., St. Petersburg, Russia (invited and sponsored speaker).
Schillinger, W.F., A.C. Kennedy, and T.C. Paulitz. 2010. Fourteen years of diverse annual no-till cropping in Washington’s winter wheat-summer fallow region [CD-ROM]. Soil Science Society of America annual meeting, 31 Oct. – 3 Nov., Long Beach, CA. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Abstracts.
Sharratt, B. 2010. Particle size of windblown loess within the Columbia Plateau, USA. [CD-ROM]. Soil Science Society of America annual meeting 31 Oct – 3 Nov., Long Beach, CA. ASA, CSSA, SSSA Agronomy Abstracts.
Stubbs, T.L., A.C. Kennedy, G. Stephen, and J. Kuehner. 2010. Characterization of cereal crop residue in conservation farming systems. Soil Science Society of America annual meeting, 31 Oct. – 3 Nov., Long Beach, CA. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Abstracts.
Experiment Station Research and Extension Reports
Esser, A.D., R. Dewald, and M. Sheffels. 2010. Controlling wireworms with neonicotinoid insecticides in wheat. p. 26. In 2010 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 10-2. Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Esser, A.D., and R. Hennings. 2010. Winter canola feasibility in rotation with winter wheat. p. 35. In 2010 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 10-2. Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Esser, A.D., and R. Hennings. 2010. Winter canola feasibility in rotation with winter wheat. Adams County Technical Report OFT 10-1.
McGuire, A.M. 2010. Controlling early season wind erosion in Columbia Basin potato fields. WSU Extension publication FS025E.
Schillinger, R. Jirava, T.C. Paulitz, AC. Kennedy, D.L. Young, T.A. Smith, and S.E. Schofstoll. 2010. Rotation benefits of spring barley on subsequent wheat grain yield. p. 28. In 2010 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 10-2. Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Schillinger, W.F., R. Jirava, D.L. Young, T.A. Smith, S.E. Schofstoll, AC. Kennedy, and T.C. Paulitz. 2010. Long-term comparison of winter wheat-summer fallow vs. continuous annual no-till spring wheat. p. 28. In 2010 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 10-2. Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Refereed Journal Articles
Al-Mulla, Y., J.Q. Wu, P. Singh, M. Flury, W.F. Schillinger, D.R. Huggins, and C.O. Stockle. 2009. Soil water and temperature in chemical fallow and reduced-tillage fallow in a Mediterranean climate. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 25:45-54.
Copeland, N., B. Sharratt, J. Wu, R. Foltz, and J. Dooley. 2009. A wood-strand material for controlling wind erosion and PM10 emissions from soils. Journal of Environmental Quality 38:139-148.
Feng, G., B. Sharratt, J. Vaughn, and B. Lamb. 2009. A multiscale database of soil properties for regional environmental quality modeling in the western United States. Journal of Soil & Water Conservation 64:363-373.
Feng, G. and B. Sharratt. 2009. Evaluation of the SWEEP model during high winds on the Columbia Plateau. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 34:1461-1468.
Flury, M., J.B. Mathison, J.Q. Wu, W.F. Schillinger, and C.O. Stockle. 2009. Water vapor diffusion through wheat straw residue. Soil Science Society of America Journal 73:37-45.
Koenig, R.T. and A.D. Esser. 2009. Fluids compared with dry in dryland winter wheat trials. Fluid Journal, Vol. 17, No. 4, Issue #66.
Sharratt, B. and G. Feng. 2009. Windblown dust influenced by conventional and undercutter tillage within the Columbia Plateau, USA. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 34:1323-1332.
Sharratt, B. and G. Feng. 2009. Friction velocity and aerodynamic roughness of conventional and undercutter tillage within the Columbia Plateau, USA. Soil & Tillage Research 105:236-241.
Smiley, R. W., and S. Machado. 2009. Pratylenchus neglectus reduces yield of winter wheat in dryland cropping systems. Plant Disease 93:263-271.
Stubbs, T.L., A.C. Kennedy, P.E. Reisenauer and J.W. Burns. 2009. Chemical composition of residue from cereal crops and cultivars in dryland ecosystems. Agronomy Journal 101:538-545.
Extension Bulletins and Videos
Machado, S., L. Pritchett, E. Jacobsen, S. Petrie, R. Smiley, D. Ball, D. Wysocki, S. Wuest, H. Gollany, and W. Jepsen. 2009. P. 114-129. Long-term experiments at CBARC-Moro and Center of Sustainability, Heppner, 2007-2008. Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station Special Report 1091.
Schillinger, W.F., and R.I. Papendick. 2009. Then and now: 125 years of dryland wheat farming in the Inland Pacific Northwest. Washington State Univ. Ext. Manual EM004E.
Smiley, R., S. Machado, L. Pritchett, E. Jacobsen, A. Thompson, J. Sheedy, S. Easley, and J. Gourlie. 2009. Associations among cropping systems, root-lesion nematodes, and wheat yield. p. 90-103. Dryland Agricultural Research annual report 1091.
Conference Proceedings
Schillinger, W.F. 2009. Invited keynote speaker. Soil and water challenges for dryland agriculture in the western United States. p. 14-16. In M. Suleimenov (ed.) Proceedings of the International Conference on Dryland Conservation Agriculture in Central Asia. 8-10 July, Astana-Shortandy, Kazakhstan.
Published Abstracts
Chung, S., B. Lamb, J. Vaughan, G. Feng, and B. Sharratt. 2009. Modeling of atmospheric aerosols and incorporating the Wind Erosion Prediction System (WEPS) into a regional air quality modeling system. American Association of Aerosol Research. 26-30 October, Minneapolis, MN.
Esser, A.D., J. Knodel, and J. Knodel. 2009. Hard Red winter wheat feasibility in comparison to soft white winter wheat. National Association of County Agricultural Agents annual meeting and Professional Improvement conference proceedings. 20-24 September, Portland, OR.
Esser, A.D. 2009. Wireworm solar bait traps are in style. National Association of County Agricultural Agents annual meeting and Professional Improvement conference proceedings. 20-24 September, Portland, OR.
Esser, A.D. 2009. Managing cereal rye and rattail fescue in winter wheat. Washington State Weed Association annual conference. 4-6 November, Yakima, WA.
Feng, G. and B. Sharratt. 2009. Toward improving the performance of SWEEP in simulation wind erosion. [CD-ROM]. Soil Science Society of America annual meeting, 1-5 Nov., Pittsburgh, PA. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Abstracts.
Petrie, S. and W.F. Schillinger. 2009. Rodweeding frequency effects on seed-zone water content in summer fallow. [CD-ROM]. Soil Science Society of America annual meeting, 1-5 Nov., Pittsburgh, PA. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Abstracts.
Schillinger, W.F., R.I. Papendick, A.C. Kennedy, and A.M. McGuire. 2009. Adoption of erosion control practices for dryland and irrigated agriculture in the Inland Pacific Northwest. [CD-ROM]. Soil Science Society of America annual meeting, 1-5 Nov., Pittsburgh, PA. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Abstracts.
Schillinger, W.F. 2009. Do’s and don’ts of long-term cropping systems experiments. In Proceedings of the Farming Systems Design Symposium. [CD-ROM]. Am. SA, ESA, ASABE, IEMSS. Aust. SA. 23-26 Aug., Monterey, CA.
Sharratt, B and G. Feng. 2009. Undercutter tillage to mitigate erosion and improve air quality in the Columbia Plateau. [CD-ROM]. Soil Science Society of America annual meeting, 1-5 Nov., Pittsburgh, PA. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Abstracts.
Stubbs, T.L. and A.C. Kennedy. 2009. Residue composition and soil quality in conservation tillage systems. Meeting of the Washington Society of Professional Soil Scientists. 27 February, Ellensburg, WA.
Experiment Station Research and Extension Reports
Bewick-Sullivan, L., F. Young, and D. Young. 2009. Agronomics and economics of no-till facultative wheat at Ralston, WA, USA. p. 41-42. In 2009 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 09-1. Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Esser, A.D. 2009. WSU Wilke research and extension farm, operations, production, and economic performance, 2009. Adams County Technical Report WREF 09.
Esser, A.D. 2009. Wireworm control with oriental mustard and high neonicotinoid rates. Hard Red winter wheat feasibility in comparison to soft white winter wheat. Adams County Technical Report OFT 09-1.
Esser, A.D., S.O. Guy, and J. Kuehner. 2009. Lincoln-Adams variety trials, 2009. Adams County Technical Report VTD 09.
Kennedy, A.C. 2009. Preserve CRP soil quality by direct seeding. WSU Field Days-2009. p. 23. Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Kennedy, A.C. 2009. CRP takeout: An excellent opportunity to begin direct seeding. Pacific Northwest Sustainable Agriculture Newsletter.
McGuire, A.M. 2009. 2008 High Residue Farming under Irrigation workshop digest. 42 p., local Extension publication.
McGuire, A.M. 2009. High Residue Farming under Irrigation 2009 field trial report. 7 p., local Extension publication.
Mohan, A., P. Reisenauer, W. Schillinger, and K. Gill. 2009. Improving seedling emergence in winter wheat. p.22. In 2009 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Dept. of Crop and Soil Sciences Tech. Report 09-1, WSU, Pullman, WA.
Petersen, P.J., and W.F. Schillinger. 2009. Horse Heaven Hills on-farm undercutter evaluation. p. 40. In 2009 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 09-1. Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Schillinger, W.F., T.A. Smith, S.E. Schofstoll, R. Jirava, and H. Johnson. 2009. Rotation benefits of winter canola on the subsequent wheat crop. p. 46. In 2009 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 09-1. Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Schillinger, W.F., W.G. Nickling, and D.W. Fryrear. 2009. Dust mitigation and monitoring research for Williston Reservoir beaches in British Columbia. p. 41. In 2009 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 09-1. Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Schillinger, W.F., and R.I. Papendick. 2009. Wheat grain yield trends in Whitman County, Washington. p. 37. In 2009 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 09-1. Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Schillinger, W.F., T.A. Smith, S.E. Schofstoll, B.S. Sharratt, D. Pearson, and M. Nichols. 2009. Chemical summer fallow to reduce dust emissions in the Horse Heaven Hills. p. 39. In 2009 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 09-1. Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Schillinger, W.F., T.A. Smith, S.E. Schofstoll, and B.E. Sauer. 2009. Tough year for camelina at Lind in 2008. p. 46. In 2009 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 09-1. Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Schillinger, W.F., T.A. Smith, S.E. Schofstoll, and B.E. Sauer. 2009. Camelina survives bitter cold air temperatures. p. 45. In 2009 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 09-1. Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Schillinger, W.F., and R.I. Papendick. 2009. Historic winter wheat yields in Adams County, Washington. p.38. In 2009 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 09-1. Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Stubbs, T.L. and A.C. Kennedy. 2009. Composition of cereal crop residue in dryland cropping systems. p. 44. In 2009 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 09-1. Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Young, D.L. 2009. Preliminary agronomic and economic results from WAWG/NRCS undercutter project. p. 40. In 2009 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 09-1. Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Young, D.L. 2009. Conservation tillage research and adoption in the Pacific Northwest. p. 2-3. Invited commentary in 2009 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 09-1. Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Refereed Journal Articles
Bewick, L.S., F.L. Young, J.R. Alldredge, and D.L. Young. 2008. Agronomics and economics of no-till facultative wheat in the Pacific Northwest. Crop Protection 27:932-942.
McCool, D.K., C.D. Pannkuk, A.C. Kennedy, and P.S. Fletcher. 2008. Effects of burn/low-till on erosion and soil quality. Soil & Tillage Research 101:2-9.
Schillinger, W.F., S.E. Schofstoll, and J.R. Alldredge. 2008. Available water and wheat grain yield relations in a Mediterranean climate. Field Crops Research 109:45-49.
Schillinger, W.F., and R.I. Papendick. 2008. Then and now: 125 years of dryland wheat farming in the Inland Pacific Northwest. Agronomy Journal 100(Suppl.):S166-S182.
Schillinger, W.F., T.A. Smith, and H.L. Schafer. 2008. Chaff and straw spreader for a plot combine. Agronomy Journal 100:398-399.
Upadhyay, B.M. and D.L. Young. 2008. Purchase vs. rent decisions: no-till drill case studies. Journal of Farm Management, ICFAI University Press.
Wuest, S.B., and W.F. Schillinger. 2008. Small-increment electric soil sampler. Soil Science Society of America Journal 72:1554-1556.
Extension Bulletins and Videos
Kok, H., R. Papendick, K. Saxton, W. Pan, and R. Bolton. 2008. Planting date guide for winter wheat cover crops to control wind erosion in the Columbia Basin. Washington State University EB2030E.
Machado, S., L. Pritchett, E. Jacobsen, S. Petrie, R. Smiley, D. Ball, D. Wysocki, S. Wuest, H. Gollany, and W. Jepsen. 2008. Long-term experiments at CBARC-Moro and Center of Sustainability, Heppner, 2006-2007. Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station Special Report 1083.
Schillinger, W.F., H.L. Schafer, S.E. Schofstoll, and B.E. Sauer. 2008. Ecology and control of Russian thistle after spring wheat harvest. Washington State University Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin XB1046E.
Schillinger, W.F., R.P. Jirava, A.C. Kennedy, D.L. Young, H.L. Schafer, and S.E. Schofstoll. 2008. Eight years of annual no-till cropping in Washington’s winter wheat – summer fallow region. Washington State University Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin XB1043E.
Zaikin, A.A., D.L. Young, and W.F. Schillinger. 2008. Economics of an irrigated no-till crop rotation with alternative stubble management systems versus continuous irrigated winter wheat with burning and plowing of stubble, Lind, WA, 2001-2006. Washington State University EB2029E.
Conference Proceedings
Sharratt, B. and G. Feng. 2008. Fugitive dust emissions from agricultural land within the Columbia Plateau, USA. Transactions on Ecology and the Environment 116:281-289. Skiathas, Greece.
Published Abstracts
Esser, A.D. 2008. On-farm testing in today’s environment to solve agronomic and pest management problems. p. 31. 7th Annual Western Region Extension Professional Development Conference, Prineville, Oregon, 15-16 October.
Esser, A.D. 2008. Weed control in oilseed crops. p. 24. Washington State Weed Association annual conference, 5-7 November, Yakima, Washington.
Esser, A.D. 2008. On-farm testing for better farms and families. p. 94. National Association of County Agricultural Agents annual meeting and Professional Improvement conference. 15-16 July, Greensboro, North Carolina.
Esser, A.D. 2008. On-farm testing in today’s environment to solve agronomic and pest management problems. p. 182. National Association of County Agricultural Agents annual meeting and Professional Improvement conference. 15-16 July Greensboro, North Carolina.
Esser, A.D. and R. Jones. 2008. No-till and conventional tillage fallow winter wheat production comparison in the dryland cropping region of Eastern Washington. p. 46. National Association of County Agricultural Agents annual meeting and Professional Improvement conference. 15-18 July Greensboro, North Carolina.
Feng, G., B. Sharratt, and F. Young. 2008. Impact of long-term conservation tillage cropping systems on soil hydraulic properties in the Pacific Northwest. Agronomy Abstracts. [CD-ROM]. ASA-CSSA-SSSA annual meeting, 5-9 Oct., Houston, TX. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Abstracts.
Feng, G., B. Sharratt, B. Lamb, and J. Vaughan. 2008. Development of soil, land-use and management data bases for Aeolian research in eight western states, USA. [CD-ROM]. ASA-CSSA-SSSA annual meeting, 5-9 Oct., Houston, TX. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Abstracts.
Lutcher, L., W.F. Schillinger, N. Christensen, S. Wuest, and D. Wysocki. 2008. Phosphorus fertilization of late-seeded winter wheat in a chemical fallow system [CD-ROM]. Soil Science Society of America annual meeting, 5-9 Oct., Houston, TX. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Abstracts.
Machado, S., D. Ball, S. Petrie, L. Pritchett, and R. Smiley. 2008. Developing profitable and sustainable cropping systems for North-Central Oregon and South-Central Washington. Poster presented at the 2008 GSA, ASA, CSSA, SSSA Annual Meetings, 5-9 Oct., Houston, TX. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Abstracts.
Machado, S., L. Pritchett, R. Smiley, D. Ball, and S. Petrie. 2008. Spring Barley improves yield in direct seeded wheat. Poster presented at the 2008 Idaho Oregon Grains Conference, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, December 2008.
Schillinger, W.F., W.G. Nickling, and D.W. Fryrear. 2008. Dust mitigation and monitoring research for Williston Reservoir beaches in British Columbia, Canada [CD-ROM]. Soil Science Society of America annual meeting, 5-9 Oct., Houston, TX. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Abstracts.
Schillinger, W.F., D.L. Young, and B.S. Sharratt. 2008. The undercutter method of dryland wheat farming to control wind erosion in the western United States [CD-ROM]. European Society of Soil Science ‘EUROSOIL’ Congress, 25-29 Aug.,Vienna, Austria.
Sharratt, B. 2008. Agriculture as a source of Aeolian sediment affecting air quality. [CD-ROM]. ASA-CSSA-SSSA annual meeting, 5-9 Oct., Houston, TX. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Abstracts.
Upadhyay, B.M. and D.L. Young. 2008. Stochastic breakeven yields for investment risk analysis. In SSRN-Social Science Research Network.
Experiment Station Research and Extension Reports
Esser, A.D. and R. Jones. 2008. No-till and conventional tillage fallow winter wheat production comparison in the dryland cropping region of Eastern Washington. p. 42. In 2008 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 08-1. Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Esser, A.D., J. Knodel, and J. Knodel. 2008. Hard Red winter wheat feasibility in comparison to Soft White winter wheat. Adams County Technical Report OFT 08-2.
Esser, A.D., and R. Jones. No-till and conventional tillage fallow winter wheat production comparison. Adams County Technical Report OFT 08-1.
Esser, A.D. 2008. Lincoln-Adams Variety Trials, 2008. Adams County Technical Report VTD 08.
Hulbert, S., W. Schillinger, and D. Huggins. 2008. Winter canola and camelina variety testing trials. p. 23. In 2008 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Dept. of Crop and Soil Sciences Tech. Report 08-1, WSU, Pullman, WA
Lutcher, L.K., W.F. Schillinger, S.B. Wuest, D.J. Wysocki, and N.W. Christensen. 2008. Phosphorus fertilization of late-seeded winter wheat in a chemical fallow system. p. 47. In 2008 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 08-1. Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
McGuire, A.M. 2008. 2007 High Residue Farming under Irrigation workshop digest, 35 p, local Extension publication.
McGuire, A.M. 2008. High Residue Farming under Irrigation 2008 field trial report, 12 p, local Extension publication.
Schafer, H., W. Schillinger, B. Rude, and D. Wysocki. 2008. Pacific Northwest undercutter project. p. 41. In 2008 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 08-1. Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Schillinger, W.F., T.A. Smith, S.E. Schofstoll, and B.E. Sauer. 2008. Camelina cropping systems research at Lind. p. 24. In 2008 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 08-1. Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Schillinger, W., S. Hulbert, S. Guy, D. Wysocki, T. Chastain, D. Ehrensing, and R. Karow. 2008. p. 24. Camelina agronomy research in the Pacific Northwest. In 2008 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 08-1. Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Schillinger, W.F., A.C. Kennedy, T.C. Paulitz, D.L. Young, and T.A. Smith. 2008. Winter canola as a rotation crop in the low and intermediate precipitation zones. p. 23. In 2008 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 08-1. Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Schillinger, W.F., W.G. Nickling, and D.W. Fryrear. 2008. Dust mitigation and monitoring research for Williston Reservoir beaches in British Columbia, Canada. p. 42. In 2008 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 08-1. Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Wuest, S.B., and W.F. Schillinger. 2008. An improved method for soil sampling at small increments. p. 48. In 2008 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 08-1. Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Zaikin, A.A., D.L. Young and W.F. Schillinger. 2008. Economics of irrigated annual winter wheat after burning and plowing of stubble versus a no-till wheat-barley-canola rotation. p. 44. In 2008 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 08-1. Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Book Chapter
Pan, W., W. Schillinger, D. Huggins, R. Koenig, and J. Burns. 2007. Fifty years of predicting wheat nitrogen requirements in the Pacific Northwest USA. Chapter 10. In T. Bruulsema (ed.) Managing Crop Nitrogen for Weather. International Plant Nutrition Institute, Norcross, GA.
Refereed Journal Articles
Cochran, R.L., H.P. Collins, A.C. Kennedy, and D.F. Bezdicek. 2007. Soil carbon pools and fluxes following land conversion in a semi-arid shrub-steppe ecosystem. Biology and Fertility of Soils 43:479-489.
Feng, G. and B. Sharratt. 2007. Validation of WEPS for soil and PM10 loss from agricultural fields on the Columbia Plateau. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 32:743-753.
Feng, G. and B. Sharratt. 2007. Scaling from field to region for wind erosion prediction using WEPS and GIS. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 62:321-328.
Nail, E.L., D.L. Young, and W.F. Schillinger. 2007. Government subsidies and crop insurance effects on the economics of conservation farming systems in eastern Washington. Agronomy Journal 99:614-620.
Nail, E.L., D.L. Young, and W.F. Schillinger. 2007. Diesel and glyphosate price changes benefit the economics of conservation tillage versus traditional tillage. Soil & Tillage Research 94:321-327.
Schillinger, W.F. 2007. Ecology and control of Russian thistle (Salsola iberica) after spring wheat harvest. Weed Science 55:381-385.
Schillinger, W.F., A.C. Kennedy, and D.L. Young. 2007. Eight years of annual no-till cropping in Washington’s winter wheat – summer fallow region. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 120:345-358.
Sharratt, B.S. and G. Feng. 2007. Loss of soil and PM10 from agricultural fields associated with high winds on the Columbia Plateau. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 32:621-630.
Sweeney, M.R., D.R. Gaylord, and A.J. Busacca. 2007. Evolution of Eureka Flat: A dust-producing engine of the Palouse loess, USA. Quaternary International 162:76-96.
Thorne, M.E., F.L. Young, and J.P. Yenish. 2007. Cropping systems alter weed seed banks in Pacific Northwest semi-arid wheat region. Crop Protection 26:1121-1134.
Upadhyay, B.M. and D.L. Young. 2007. Stochastic breakeven yields for investment risk analysis. Journal of Financial Risk Management, ICFAI University Press 4:26-36.
Thesis and Dissertation
Copeland, N.S. (Department of Biosystems Engineering). 2007. Evaluating a wood strand material for wind erosion control and air quality protection. MS Thesis, Washington State University.
Dalman, K.A. (Geology, School of Earth and Environmental Science). 2007. Timing distribution and climate implications of Later Quaternary eolian deposits: Northern Columbia Plateau, WA. MS Thesis, Washington State University.
Extension Bulletins and Videos
Machado, S., L. Pritchett, E. Jacobsen, S. Petrie, R. Smiley, D. Ball, D. Wysocki, S. Wuest, H. Gollany, and W. Jepsen. 2007. Long-term experiments at CBARC-Moro and Center of Sustainability, Heppner, 2005-2006. Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station Special Report 1074.
Zaikin, A.A., D.L. Young, and W.F. Schillinger. 2007. Economic comparison of undercutter and traditional tillage systems for winter wheat – summer fallow farming. Washington State University Extension Bulletin 2022E.
Conference Proceedings
McGuire, A.M. 2007. 2006 High residue farming under irrigation workshop digest.
Paulitz, T.C., K.L. Schroeder, P.A. Okubara, and W.F. Schillinger. 2007. Rhizoctonia and pythium in direct-seed systems: Filling in the pieces of the puzzle. [CD-ROM]. In Proceedings of the 10th Annual Northwest Direct Seed Cropping Systems Conference, 10-12 Jan., Kennewick, WA.
Sharratt, B.S. 2007. Instrumentation to quantify soil and PM10 flux using a portable wind tunnel. [CD-ROM]. Proceedings of International Symposium on Air Quality and Waste Management for Agriculture, 15-19 Sept., Broomfield, CO.
Published Abstracts
Copeland, N., B. Sharratt, R. Foltz, J. Wu, and J. Dooley. 2007. Evaluating a wood strand material for wind erosion control, air quality protection. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers annual meeting. 17-20 June, Minneapolis, MN.
Esser, A.D, C. Laney, S. Swannack, and R. Koenig. 2007. Fall fertilization for spring wheat production in the dryland cropping region of Washington. [CD-ROM]. In National Association of County Agricultural Agents annual meeting and Professional Improvement Conference Proceedings, 16-20 July, Grand Rapids, MI.
Esser, A.D. 2007. Cheatgrass control in winter wheat: What works. Washington State Weed Association annual conference. 7-9 Nov., Yakima, WA.
Koenig, R. 2007. Phosphorus dynamics and wheat response to applied P in a spatially variable environment. p. 153-157. In J. Hart (ed.) Proceedings of the Western Nutrient Management Conference, 8-9 March, Salt Lake City, UT.
Schillinger, W.F., R.I. Papendick, and D.K. McCool. 2007. Soil and water conservation challenges for agriculture in the Inland Pacific Northwest. [CD-ROM]. Soil Science Society of America annual meeting, 5-8 Nov., New Orleans, LS. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Abstracts.
Sharratt, B., and G. Feng. 2007. Soil and PM10 flux above an eroding agricultural field during high winds. [CD-ROM]. Soil Science Society of America annual meeting, 5-8 Nov., New Orleans, LS. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Abstracts.
Experiment Station Research and Extension Reports
Esser, A.D. 2007. On-farm testing to adopt no-till fallow winter wheat production in the dryland cropping region of eastern Washington. p.31. In 2007 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 07-1, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Esser, A.D., C. Laney, S. Swannack and R. Koenig. 2007. Fall fertilization for spring wheat production in the dryland cropping region of Washington. p.31. In 2007 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 07-1, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Esser, A.D., C. Laney, S. Swannack, and R. Koenig. 2007. Fall fertilization for spring wheat production in the dryland cropping region of Washington. Adams County Technical Report OFT 07-1.
Harwood E., R.T. Koenig, and A.D. Esser. 2007. Phosphorus and seeing rate management to improve yields of late-planted winter wheat in the low rainfall zone. p. 32. In 2007 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 07-1, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Pan, W., W. Schillinger, D. Huggins, R. Koenig, and J. Burns. 2007. Fifty years of predicting wheat nitrogren requirements based on soil water, yield, protein, and nitrogen efficiencies. p. 28. In 2007 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 07-1, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Schillinger, W.F., R. Jirava, D.L. Young, A.C. Kennedy, T.C. Paulitz, T.A. Smith, and S.E. Schofstoll. 2007. Ten years of annual no-till cropping research near Ritzville, WA. p. 28-29. In 2007 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 07-1, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Schillinger, W.F., T.A. Smith, S.E. Schofstoll, and B.E. Sauer. 2007. Rodweeding frequency and timing effects on seed-zone water retention in summer fallow. p. 29-30. In 2007 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 07-1, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Schillinger, W.F., S.E. Schofstoll, J.R. Alldredge, and T.A. Smith. 2007. Grain yield and available moisture relations for winter wheat after fallow and recrop spring wheat. p. 30-31. In 2007 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 07-1, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Schillinger, W.F., T.A. Smith, and H.L. Schafer. 2007. Chaff and straw spreader attachment for a plot combine. p. 36. In 2007 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 07-1, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Zaikin, A. D. Young, and W. Schillinger. 2007. Soil conserving undercutter system improves profitability for winter wheat – summer fallow in eastern Washington. p. 40. In 2007 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 07-1, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Book Chapter
Schillinger, W.F., R.I. Papendick, S.O. Guy, P.E. Rasmussen, and C. van Kessel. 2006. Dryland cropping in the western United States. p. 365-393. In G.A. Peterson, P.W. Unger, and W.A. Payne (eds.) Dryland Agriculture, 2nd ed. Agronomy Monograph no 23. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA, Madison, WI.
Refereed Journal Articles
Banowetz, G.M., G.W. Whittaker, K.P. Dierksen, M.D. Azevedo, A.C. Kennedy, S.M. Griffith and J.J. Steiner. 2006. Fatty acid methyl ester analysis to identify sources of soil in surface water. Journal of Environmental Quality 35:133–140.
Camberato, J.J., B Gagnon, 0.A. Angers, and W.L. Pan. 2006. Pulp and paper mill byproducts as plant nutrient sources and soil amendments. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 86:641-653.
Kennedy. A.C., T.L. Stubbs and J.C. Hansen. 2006. This land is your land. Science and Children 44:22-26.
Paulitz, T.C., P.A. Okubara, and W.F. Schillinger. 2006. First report of damping-off of canola caused by Rhizoctonia solani AG 2-1 in Washington State. Plant Disease 90:829.
Schillinger, W.F., and T.C. Paulitz. 2006. Reduction of Rhizoctonia bare patch in wheat with barley rotations. Plant Disease 90:302-306.
Sharratt, B.S. and D. Lauer. 2006. Particulate matter concentration and air quality affected by windblown dust in the Columbia Plateau. Journal of Environmental Quality 35:2011-2016.
Upadhyay, B.M. and D.L. Young. 2006. An operational approach for evaluating investment risk: An application to the no-till transition. Journal of Financial Risk Management, ICFAI University Press 3:25-37.
Williams, J.D., S.B. Wuest, W.F. Schillinger, and H.T. Gollany. 2006. Rotary subsoiling newly planted winter wheat fields to improve infiltration in frozen soil. Soil & Tillage Research 86:141-151.
Xiao, C., M. Fauci, D.F. Bezdicek, W.T. McKean, and W.L. Pan. 2006. Soil microbial responses to potassium-based black liquor from straw pulping. Soil Science Society of America Journal 70:72-77.
Young, F.L., M. Thorne, and D.L. Young. 2006. Nitrogen fertility and weed management critical for continuous no-till wheat in the Pacific Northwest. Weed Technology 20:658-669.
Thesis and Dissertation
Zaikin, A.A. (School of Economic Sciences). 2006. Economic analysis of soil and water conservation in dryland farming. MA Thesis, Washington State University.
Extension Bulletins and Videos
Kok, H. 2006. The undercutter method for winter wheat – summer fallow farming. Sixteen-minute DVD. WSU Extension Publication DVD0012.
Machado, S., L. Pritchett, E. Jacobsen, S. Petrie, R. Smiley, D. Ball, D. Wysocki, S. Wuest, H. Gollany, and W. Jepsen. 2006. Long-term experiments at CBARC-Moro and Center of Sustainability, Heppner, 2005. Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station Special Report 1068.
McGuire, A.M. 2006. 2005 Reduced tillage under irrigation workshop digest. 15 p. Video (2-DVD set) of the 2005 Reduced Tillage under Irrigation workshop – 50 sets distributed to local farmers.
Schillinger, W.F., T.C. Paulitz, R.P. Jirava, H.L. Schafer, and S.E. Schofstoll. 2006. Reduction of rhizoctonia bare patch in wheat with barley rotations. Washington State University Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin XB1045E.
Schillinger, W.F., H.L. Schafer, S.E. Schofstoll, and R.I. Papendick. 2006. Tillage method and sowing rate relations for dryland spring wheat, barley, and oat. Washington State University Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin XB1044E.
Conference Proceedings
Esser, A.D, and R. Jones. 2006. On-farm testing to adopt no-till fallow winter wheat production in the dryland cropping region of Eastern Washington. In National Association of County Agricultural Agents annual meeting and Professional Improvement Conference Proceedings. 23-27 July, Cincinnati, OH.
Feng, G., B. Sharratt, and L. Wendling. 2006. Analysis of wind erosion on the Columbia Plateau in the United States. 27 p. 8th International Conference on Dryland Development, 1-5 Oct., Beijing, China.
Kennedy, A.C., W.F. Schillinger, and T.L. Stubbs. 2006. Soil quality and conservation tillage in the Palouse and other dryland farming regions of the Pacific Northwest. In Proceedings of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International meeting, 9-12 July, Portland, OR.
Kok, H., K. Saxton, and R. Papendick. 2006. Selecting planting dates for fall cover crops to control wind erosion on the irrigated Columbia Basin. Proceedings of the Soil and Water Conservation Society of America Congress, 23-27 July, Keystone, Co.
Schillinger, W.F., and D.L. Young. 2006. The undercutter method for winter wheat – summer fallow farming in the western United States. p. 589-590. In M. Fotyma and B. Kaminska (eds.) Proceedings of the IX Congress of the European Society of Agronomy, 4-7 Sept., Warsaw, Poland.
Schillinger, W.F., D.L. Young, and B.S. Sharratt. 2006. The undercutter method of summer fallow farming to reduce PM10 emissions. p. 293-300. In V.P. Aneja et al. (eds.) Proceedings of the Workshop on Agricultural Air Quality: State of the Science, 5-8 June, Potomac, MD.
Schillinger, W.F., K.E. Saxton, and R.I. Papendick. 2006. Implications of the proposed particulate matter coarse standard for agriculture in the Pacific Northwest. In Proceedings of the Agricultural Air Quality Task Force meeting, 28 Feb – 2 March, Bethesda, MD.
Sharratt, B., L. Wendling, and G. Feng. 2006. Undercutter method of tillage for reducing wind erosion and dust emissions in eastern Washington. 9 p. 2nd International Symposium on Soil Erosion and Dryland Farming, 1-5 Oct., Yangling, China.
Wendling, L., B. Sharratt, and G. Feng. 2006. Soil erodibility and PM10 emissions following tillage in a dryland wheat-fallow cropping system. 14 p. 8th International Conference on Dryland Development, 1-5 Oct., Beijing, China.
Published Abstracts
Bewick, L.S. 2006. Weed dynamics in no-till facultative wheat produced in the Pacific Northwest. Western Society of Weed Science Abstracts 314:5.
Bewick, L.S. 2006. Agronomics, economics, and weed species dynamics of facultative wheat. p. 21. Washington State Weed Association annual conference, 1-4 Nov., Yakima, WA.
Bewick, L.S. 2006. Agronomics & economics of no-till facultative wheat produced in the dryland Pacific Northwest. [CD-ROM]. Soil Science Society of America annual meeting, 12-15 Nov., Indianapolis, IN. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Abstracts 59:78.
Esser, A.D. 2006. Weed control with $3.00/gal diesel. Washington State Weed Association annual conference. 1-4 Nov., Yakima, WA.
Feng, G. and B. Sharratt. 2006. Soil wind erosion on agricultural field and its impact on air quality: Measurement and modeling. [CD-ROM]. 18th World Congress of Soil Science, 9-15 July, Philadelphia, PA. International Union of Soil Science Abstracts No. 151-2.
Harwood, E., R. Koenig and A. Esser. 2006. Improving the yields of late-planted recrop winter wheat with seeding rate and phosphorus fertility. [CD-ROM]. Soil Science Society of America annual meeting, 12-15 Nov., Indianapolis, IN. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Abstracts.
Pan, W.L., W.F. Schillinger, D.R. Huggins, R.T. Koenig, and J.W. Burns. 2006. Fifty years of predicting wheat nitrogen requirements based on soil water, yield, protein, and nitrogen efficiencies. [CD-ROM]. Soil Science Society of America annual meeting, 12-15 Nov., Indianapolis, IN. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Abstracts.
Schillinger, W.F., D.L. Young, A.C. Kennedy, and T.C. Paulitz. 2006. Ten years of continuous annual no-till cropping vs. winter wheat – fallow in the Pacific Northwest. [CD-ROM]. Soil Science Society of America annual meeting, 12-15 Nov., Indianapolis, IN. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Abstracts.
Sharratt, B. and G. Feng. 2006. Direct suspension as an important process of wind erosion within the Columbia Plateau. [CD-ROM]. 18th World Congress of Soil Science, 9-15 July, Philadelphia, PA. International Union of Soil Science Abstracts No. 151-4.
Sharratt, B. and G. Feng. 2006. Evidence of direct suspension of soil particulates on the Columbia Plateau. p. 165. 6th International Conference on Aeolian Research. 24-28 July, Guelph, Ontario, Canada.
Sweeney, M.R., D.R. Gaylord, A.J. Busacca, C.A. Richardson, P. Reyerson, and M. Blinnikov. 2006. A new luminescence chronology and paleoecologic history of Holocene loess, Pacific Northwest, USA. Geological Society of America, Abstracts Programs, V. 38, No. 7.
Sweeney, M., D. Gaylord, and A. Busacca. 2006. Variable rates of latest Pleistocene to Holocene loess accumulation in the Pacific Northwest, USA. p. 95. International Conference on Aeolian Research. Program Abstracts, University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada.
Experiment Station Research and Extension Reports
Esser, A.D., and M. Sheffels. 2006. Broadleaf incorporation into an intense direct seeded cereal rotation. p. 35. In 2006 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 06-2. Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Kennedy, A.C., W.F. Schillinger, and T.L. Stubbs. 2006. Soil quality and direct seeding in dryland systems. p. 32. In 2006 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 06-2. Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Koenig, R.T., E. Harwood, and A.D. Esser. 2006. Optimizing seeding rate and phosphorus fertility to enhance the yield of recrop, late-seeded winter wheat. p. 29. In 2006 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 06-2. Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Nail, E., D. Young, and W. Schillinger. 2006. Glyphosate and diesel price changes benefit conservation tillage. p. 36. In 2006 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 06-2. Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Nail, E. D. Young, and W. Schillinger. 2006. How do government crop subsidies and crop insurance influence the profitability of conservation cropping systems? p. 36. In 2006 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 06-2. Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Schillinger, W.F., S.E. Schofstoll, H.L. Schafer, and T.A. Smith. 2006. Relationship between available water and wheat grain yield. p. 31. In 2006 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 06-2. Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Schillinger, W.F., H.L. Schafer, T.A. Smith, and S.E. Schofstoll. 2006. Winter wheat seedling emergence as affected by soil crusting. p. 28-29. In 2006 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 06-2. Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Young, D., E. Nail, and W. Schillinger. 2006. Economics of no-till annual cropping rotations at Ritzville 1997-2004. p. 34-35. In 2006 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 06-2. Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Book Chapters
de Luna, L., T.L. Stubbs, A.C. Kennedy and R.J. Kremer. 2005. Deleterious bacteria in the rhizosphere. p 233-261. In R.W. Zobel and S.F. Wright (eds.) Roots and Soil Management: Interactions between Roots and the Soil. Agronomy Monograph no. 48. ASA. Madison, WI.
Kennedy, A C. 2005. The biota of the rhizosphere. p. 242-262. In D.M. Sylvia, J.J. Furhman, P.G. Hartel and D.A. Zuberer. (eds.) Principles and Applications of Soil Microbiology. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.
Refereed Journal Articles
Chandler, D.G., K.E. Saxton, and A.J. Busacca. 2005. Predicting wind erodibility of loessial soils in the Pacific Northwest by particle sizing. Arid Land Research and Management 19:13-27.
Mohammad, M., Pan, W.L. and Kennedy, A.C. 2005. Chemical alterations in the rhizosphere of mycorrhizal-infected wheat roots. Mycorrhiza 15:327-332.
Feng, G. and B. Sharratt. 2005. Sensitivity analysis of soil and PM10 loss in WEPS using LHS-OAT method. Transactions of American Society of Agricultural Engineers 48:1409-1420.
Schillinger, W.F. 2005. Tillage method and sowing rate relations for dryland wheat, barley, and oat. Crop Science 45:2636-2643.
Stevenson, B.A., E.F. Kelly, E.V. McDonald, and A.J. Busacca. 2005. The stable carbon isotope composition of soil organic carbon and pedogenic carbonates along a bioclimatic gradient in the Palouse region, Washington State, USA. Geoderma 124:37-47.
Sweeney, M.R., A.J. Busacca, and D.R. Gaylord. 2005. Topographic and climatic influences on accelerated loess accumulation since the last glacial maximum in the Palouse, Pacific Northwest, USA. Quaternary Research 63:261-273.
Young, D.L., E.G. Smith, and A. Smith. 2005. The sweet smell of subsidies revisited. Choices 20:207-209.
Extension Bulletins
Nail. E.L., D.L. Young, H.R. Hinman, and W.F. Schillinger. 2005. Economic comparison of no-till annual crop rotations to winter wheat – summer fallow in Adams County, WA 2001-2004. Washington State University EB1997E. 50 p.
Schillinger, W., D. Wellsandt, H. Schafer, S. Schofstoll, and R. Papendick. 2005. Tillage method and sowing rate relations for dryland spring wheat, barley, and oat. Pacific Northwest Conservation Tillage Handbook Series, chapter 2, no. 30.
Conference Proceedings
Kennedy, A.C. 2005. Soil microbes: From erosion reduction to tracking. p. 99-103. In Erosion and Sediment in my Watershed. Soil and Water Conservation Society conference proceedings, 1-2 February, Bozeman MT.
Schillinger, W.F. 2005. Conservation farming in the low-precipitation zone of the Inland Pacific Northwest. In Proceeding of the Northwest Direct Seed Cropping Systems Conference, 13-14 January, Spokane, WA. CD-ROM.
Sharratt, B. and W. Schillinger. 2005. An integrated wind erosion / air quality research program for the Columbia Plateau. Proceedings of the Atmospheric Sciences and Air Quality Conference, American Meteorological Society, San Francisco, CA.
Sharratt, B.S., and W.F. Schillinger. 2005. The Columbia Plateau wind erosion / air quality project: Predicting and controlling wind-blow dust. In Proceedings of the Atmospheric Sciences and Air Quality Conference. American Meteorological Society, 27-29 April, San Francisco, CA.
Published Abstracts
Dalman, K., A.J. Busacca, F.F. Foit, Jr., and D.R. Gaylord. 2005. Quaternary eolian sand dune, loess, and dust generated from texturally diverse latest glacial outburst flood deposits in the Quincy Basin, Washington. Geological Society of America, Abstracts Programs 92544, Vol. 37, No. 7.
Esser, A.D. and M. Sheffels. 2005. Value in incorporating mustard into an intense direct seed crop rotation. Crop Science Society of America, Western Society of Crop Science, and Western Wheat Workers joint summer conference. 19-22 June, Bozeman, MT.
Feng, G. and B. Sharratt. 2005. Scaling from field to region for wind erosion prediction using WEPS and GIS. Soil Science Society of America annual meeting, 7-10 Nov., Salt Lake City, UT. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Abstracts.
Karuaihe, R.N., H.H. Wang and D.L. Young. 2005. Alternative indices in weather-based crop insurance contracts. December. WAEA 2005 selected paper abstract Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics.
Schillinger, W.F., S.M. Dofing, and R.I. Papendick. 2005. Tillage method and sowing rate relations for dryland spring wheat, barley, and oat. [CD-ROM]. American Society of Agronomy annual meeting, 7-10 Nov., Salt Lake City, UT. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Abstracts.
Schillinger, W.F., and T.C. Paulitz. 2005. Reduction in Rhizoctonia bare patch in wheat with barley rotations. American Society of Agronomy annual meeting, 7-10 Nov., Salt Lake City, UT. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Abstracts.
Schillinger, W.F. 2005. Post-harvest control and ecology of Russian thistle in spring wheat. [CD-ROM]. Weed Science Society of Agronomy annual meeting, 7-10 Jan., Honolulu, HI. WSSA Abstracts.
Wendling, L., B. Sharratt, and G. Feng. 2005. Wind erodibility of soil in a dryland wheat-fallow cropping system. Soil Science Society of America annual meeting, 7-10 Nov., Salt Lake City, UT. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Abstracts.
Xiao, Canming, M. Fauci, D. Bezdicek, B. McKean and W. Pan. 2005. Soil aggregation and microbial responses to straw pulping byproducts. Soil Science Society of America annual meeting, 7-10 Nov., Salt Lake City, UT. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Abstracts.
Young, F.L. 2005. Weed and annual spring crop management in Pacific Northwest low-rainfall regions. Abstract. Washington State Weed Association: 28-29.
Experiment Station Research and Extension Reports
Karuaihe, R.N., D.L Young, H.H. Wang, and H.R. Hinman. 2005. Examining the sources of differences in profitability and costs for conservation and conventional tillage in Eastern Washington. Pacific Northwest Conservation Tillage Handbook No. 20, Chapter 10.
Nail, E.L., D.L. Young and W.F. Schillinger.. 2005. Economics of no-till annual cropping systems, Ritzville, WA. p. 53. In 2005 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 05-1. Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Nail, E.L., D.L. Young and W.F. Schillinger. 2005. Winter wheat after fallow survey results for Ritzville growers, 2001-2004. p. 55. In 2005 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 05-1. Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Schillinger, W.F., T.C. Paulitz, A.C. Kennedy, H.L. Schafer, and S.E. Schofstoll. 2005. Reduction of Rhizoctonia bare patch in wheat with barley rotations. p. 39. In 2005 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 05-1. Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Schillinger, W.F., H.L. Schafer, S.E. Schofstoll, and B.E. Sauer. 2005. Post-harvest control and ecology of Russian thistle in continuous annual spring wheat. p. 46. In 2005 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 05-1. Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Schillinger, W.F., H.L. Schafer, S.E. Schofstoll, and J.R. Alldredge. 2005. Winter wheat seedling emergence after rainfall simulation. p. 46. In 2005 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 05-1. Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Schillinger, W.F., H.L. Schafer, S.E. Schofstoll, and B.E. Sauer. 2005. Soaking winter wheat seed in water to enhance emergence. p. 47. In 2005 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 05-1. Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Schillinger, B., D. Wellsandt, H. Schafer, S. Schofstoll, and S. Dofing. 2005. Tillage method and sowing rate relations for dryland spring wheat, barley, and oat. p. 47. In 2005 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 05-1. Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Yenish, J.P., A.D. Esser, D. J. Tonks, and F. Young. 2005. Evaluating chemical fallow systems for weed control efficacy. p. 44. In 2005 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 05-1. Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Young, D.L. and D.A. Baker. 2005. Protein premiums can motivate nitrogen fertilization beyond maximum yield. p 53. In 2005 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 05-1. Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA
Book Chapters
Busacca, A.J. and M.R. Sweeney. 2004. Loess. p. 364-373. In D. Hillel (ed.) Encyclopedia of Soils in the Environment. Academic Press, London.
Kennedy, A. C. and de Luna, L. Z. 2004. Rhizosphere. p. 399-406. In D. Hillel, (ed.) Encyclopedia of Soils in the Environment. Elsevier LTD, Oxford UK Harcourt Publishers, London UK.
Kennedy, A.C., T.L. Stubbs and W.F. Schillinger. 2004. Soil and crop management effects on soil microbiology. p. 295-326. In F. Magdoff and R.R. Weil (eds.) Soil Organic Matter in Sustainable Agriculture. CRC Press. Boca Raton, FL.
Papendick, R.I. 2004. Farming with the Wind II: Wind erosion and air quality control on the Columbia Plateau and Columbia Basin. Washington State University, College of Agricultural, Human and Natural Resource Sciences, Special Report by the Columbia Plateau PM10 Project. XB1042.
Stubbs, T.L., A.C. Kennedy, and W.F. Schillinger. 2004. Soil ecosystem changes during the transition to no-till cropping. p. 105-135. In D. Clements and A. Shrestha (eds.) New Dimensions in Agroecology. Hawthorn Press, New York, NY.
Refereed Journal Articles
Baker, D.A., D.L. Young, D.R. Huggins, and W.L. Pan. 2004. Economically optimal fertilization for yield and protein in hard red spring wheat. Agronomy Journal 96:116-123.
Chandler, D., S. Blaesing-Thompson, and A. Busacca. 2004. Geospatial assessment of agricultural lands critical to air quality on the Columbia Plateau, Washington State. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 59:184-189.
Clement, S.L., L.R. Elberson, N. Youssef, F.L. Young, and M.A. Evans. 2004. Cereal aphid and natural enemy populations in cereal production systems in eastern Washington. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 77:165-173.
Forté-Gardner, O., F.L. Young, D. Dillman, and M.S. Carroll. 2004. Increasing the effectiveness of technology transfer for conservation cropping systems through research and field design. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems Vol 19:199-209.
Juergens, L.A., D.L. Young, W.F. Schillinger, and H.R. Hinman. 2004. Economics of alternative no-till spring crop rotations in Washington’s wheat-fallow region. Agronomy Journal 96:154-158.
Kjelgaard, J., D. Chandler, and K. Saxton. 2004. Evidence for direct suspension of loessial soils on the Columbia Plateau. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 29:221-236.
Kjelgaard, J., B. Sharratt, I. Sundram, B. Lamb, C. Claiborn, K. Saxton, and D. Chandler. 2004. PM10 emission from agricultural soils on the Columbia Plateau: Comparison of dynamic and time integrated field scale measurements and entrainment mechanisms. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 125:259-277.
Rainbolt, C.R., D.C. Thill, and F.L. Young. 2004. Control of volunteer herbicide-resistant wheat and canola. Weed Technology 18:711-718.
Schillinger, W.F., and D.L. Young. 2004. Cropping systems research in the world’s driest rainfed wheat region. Agronomy Journal 96:1182-1187.
Stubbs, T.L., A.C. Kennedy, and W.F. Schillinger. 2004. Soil ecosystem changes during the transition to no-till cropping. Journal of Crop Improvement 11:105-135.
Sundram, I., C. Claiborn, T. Strand, B. Lamb, D. Chandler, and K. Saxton. 2004. Numerical modeling of regional windblown dust in the Pacific Northwest with improved meteorology and dust emission models. Journal of Geophysical Research 109, D24208.
Sweeney, M.R., A.J. Busacca, C.A. Richardson, M. Blinnikov, and E.V. McDonald. 2004. Glacial anticyclone recorded in Palouse loess of northwestern United States. Geology 32:705-708.
Young, F.L. 2004. Long-term weed management studies in the Pacific Northwest. Weed Science 52:897-903.
Young, F.L. and M.E. Thorne. 2004. Weed species dynamics and management in no-till and reduced-till fallow cropping systems for the semiarid agricultural region of the Pacific Northwest, USA. Crop Protection 23:1097-1110.
Thesis and Dissertation
Sweeney, M.R. (Geology). 2004. Sedimentology, paleoclimatology, and geomorphology of a late Pleistocene-Holocene paired eolian system, Columbia Plateau. Ph.D. dissertation, Washington State University.
Extension Bulletins
Schillinger, W.F., D. Young, D. Rowell, H. Schafer, and S. Schofstoll. 2004. Cropping systems research in the world’s driest rainfed wheat region. Pacific Northwest Conservation Tillage Handbook No. 29, Chapter 2.
Conference Proceedings
Paulitz, T.C, K.L. Schroeder, and W.F. Schillinger. 2004. Rhizoctonia in direct-seed systems: Inevitable or avoidable? p. 65-69. In Proceedings of the Northwest Direct Seed Cropping Systems Conference, 7-9 January, Pendleton, OR.
Schillinger, W.F. 2004. Direct seed and conservation tillage systems in the low-precipitation region: What works and what doesn’t work. p. 81-92. In Proceedings of the Northwest Direct Seed Cropping Systems Conference, 7-9 January, Pendleton, OR.
Published Abstracts
Acosta-Martinez, V., A.C. Kennedy and T.M. Zobeck. 2004. Enzyme activities and fatty acids of dust as biological fingerprints of the soil source. Soil Water Conservation Society annual meeting proceedings. July, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Dhammapala, R, C. Claiborn, J. Corkill, and B. Gullett. 2004. Emissions of particulate matter, selected PAHs and phenols from agricultural burning in eastern Washington and north Idaho. p. 147. The 23rd Annual AAAR Conference, 4-8 October, Atlanta, GA.
Esser, A.D., T. Herdrick, D. Herdrick, B. Bandy, and R. Bandy. 2004. Recrop winter wheat feasibility in direct seeding. [CD-ROM]. American Society of Agronomy annual meeting, 1-4 Nov., Seattle, WA. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Abstracts.
Feng, G, and B. Sharratt. 2004. Evaluation of Wind Erosion Prediction System (WEPS). [CD-ROM]. Soil Science Society of America annual meeting, 1-4 Nov., Seattle, WA. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Abstracts.
Hansen, J.C., A.C. Kennedy, and W.F. Schillinger. 2004. Organic carbon and microbial community changes in soil aggregates with no-till dryland cropping systems. [CD-ROM]. Soil Science Society of America annual meeting, 1-4 Nov., Seattle, WA. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Abstracts.
Kennedy, A.C. T.L. Stubbs, and R.E Venable. 2004. Rhizobacteria inhibitory to grass weeds. p. 28. Northwest Scientific Association Program and Abstracts. Northwest Scientific Association 77th annual meeting, 24-27 March, Ellensburg, WA.
Schillinger, W.F. 2004. Innovative cropping systems research at the Washington State University Dryland Research Station. [CD-ROM]. American Society of Agronomy annual meeting, 1-4 Nov., Seattle, WA. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Abstracts.
Schillinger, W.F. 2004. Post-harvest control and ecology of Russian thistle in continuous annual spring wheat. [CD-ROM]. American Society of Agronomy annual meeting, 1-4 Nov., Seattle, WA. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Abstracts.
Sharratt, B. and G. Feng. 2004. Wind erosion on the Columbia Plateau. [CD-ROM]. Soil Science Society of America annual meeting, 1-4 Nov., Seattle, WA. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Abstracts.
Sharratt, B.and G. Feng. 2004. Emission and transport of PM10 from agricultural fields. Soil and Water Conservation Society annual meeting, 24-28 July, St. Paul, MN.
Sharratt, B. 2004. Soil management practices to reduce particulate emissions. Soil and Water Conservation Society annual meeting, 24-28 July, St. Paul, MN.
Stubbs, T.L., A.C. Kennedy, J.C. Hansen, P.E. Reisenauer, J.W. Burns, and K. Campbell. 2004. Composition of straw from cereal cultivars in dryland ecosystems. [CD-ROM]. Soil Science Society of America annual meeting, 1-4 Nov., Seattle, WA. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Abstracts.
Sundram, I., C. Claiborn, and B. Lamb. 2004. Modeling aerosol optical depths during episodes of windblown dust from semiarid agricultural regions. American Association for Aerosol Research annual conference, 5-8 October, Atlanta, GA.
Tonks, D., and A.D. Esser. 2004. Fall fertilization for spring wheat production in direct seed annual crop rotations. [CD-ROM]. American Society of Agronomy annual meeting, 1-4 Nov., Seattle, WA. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Abstracts.
Venable, R.E., A.C. Kennedy, T.L. Stubbs, and H. Newsome. 2004. Competition of invasive weeds as affected by soil microorganisms in native shrub-steppe ecosystems. [CD-ROM]. Soil Science Society of America annual meeting, 1-4 Nov., Seattle, WA. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Abstracts.
Venable, R.E., Kennedy, A.C., and T.L. Stubbs. 2004. Rhizobacteria impact plant survival and competition. p. 49. Northwest Scientific Association Program and Abstracts. Northwest Scientific Association 77th annual meeting, 24-27 March, Ellensburg, WA.
Xiao, C., M. Fauci, E. Harwood, R. Bolton, M. Lewis, W. McKean, J. Dobrowlski, R. Stevens, W. Pan. 2004. Soil microbial activity, aggregation and nutrient response to straw pulping black liquor in corn. [CD-ROM]. Soil Science Society of America annual meeting, 1-4 Nov., Seattle, WA. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Abstracts.
Experiment Station Research and Extension Reports
Paulitz, T.C., W.F. Schillinger, and R.J. Cook. 2004. Greenhouse studies of Rhizoctonia bare patch disease in soil cores from direct-seeded fields. 2004. p. 20. In 2004 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 04-2, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Schillinger, B., H. Schafer, B. Sauer, and S. Schofstoll. 2004. Dryland cropping systems research at Lind. p. 17. In 2004 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 04-2, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Schillinger, B., H. Schafer, S. Schofstoll, and T. Paulitz. 2004. Soil water is stranded in Rhizoctonia patches. p. 18. In 2004 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 04-2, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Schillinger, B., H. Schafer, T. Paulitz, and J. Cook. 2004. Mapping Rhizoctonia bare patch disease in direct-seed cropping systems. p. 19. In 2004 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 04-2, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Schillinger, B. H. Schafer, B. Sauer, and S. Schofstoll. 2004. How can I miss you when you won’t go away? Post-harvest management of Russian thistle in spring wheat. p. 19. In 2004 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 04-2, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Schillinger, B., R. Jirava, H. Schafer, T. Paulitz, D. Young, A. Kennedy, and S. Schofstoll. 2004. Long-term cropping systems research at the Ron Jirava farm: Year 7. p. 22. In 2004 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 04-2, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Schillinger, B., H. Schafer, and S. Schofstoll. 2004. Extra surface residue only marginally increases seed-zone water content in chemical fallow. p. 22. In 2004 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 04-2, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Schillinger, B., H. Schafer, B. Sauer, T. Paulitz, A. Kennedy, D. Young, S. Schofstoll, and B. Fode. 2004. Irrigated cropping systems research at Lind. p. 23. In 2004 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 04-2, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Schillinger, B., H. Schafer, B. Sauer, and S. Schofstoll. 2004. Late fall dormant planting of cereals using polymers. 2004. p. 23. In 2004 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 04-2, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Schillinger, W.F., B.S. Sharratt, D.L. Young, A.J. Busacca, W.L. Pan, A.C. Kennedy, C.S. Claiborn, B.K. Lamb, A.D. Esser, F.L. Young, B.E. Frazier, S. Machado, C.O. Stockle, J.Q. Wu, M. Flury, P.R. Wandschneider, and C.A. Warriner. 2004. 73. p. Northwest Columbia Plateau PM10 Project. 2004 Summary Report. Highlights of research achievements from 1998 through 2004.
Walters, C.G. and D.L. Young. 2004. Landlord influence on more intensive rotations or direct seeding adoption in eastern Washington. p. 27. In 2004 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 04-2, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Williams, J.D., S.B. Wuest, W.F. Schillinger, and H.T. Gollany. 2004. Rotary subsoiling to reduce erosion and improve infiltration in newly-planted winter wheat after summer fallow. p. 103-116. In 2004 Columbia Basin Agricultural Research Center annual report. Special Report 1054. Oregon State University and USDA-ARS, Pendleton, OR.
Book Chapters
Busacca, A.J., D. Muhs, H. Markowich, J. Beget, N. Lancaster, and M.R. Sweeney. 2003. Eolian Sediments. p. 275-310. In A.C. Gillespie, S.C. Porter and B.F Atwater (eds.) The Quaternary Period in the United States. Developments in Quaternary Science 1. Elsevier Press, New York.
Gaylord, D.R., A.J. Busacca, and M.R. Sweeney. 2003. The Palouse loess and the Channeled Scabland: A paired ice-age geologic system. p. 123-134. In D. Easterbrook (ed.) XVI INQUA Congress Field Trip Guidebook.
Paszkowski W.L., A. Ksiezniak, B. Wroblewska, A.R. Dexter, E. Czyz, J. Tomaszewska, and A.C. Kennedy. 2003. Microbiological characteristics of erodible soils. p. 209-215. In H. Dahm and A. Pokojska-Burdziej (eds.) Microorganisms of Soil Environment – Physiological Biochemical, and Genetical Aspects. Adam Marszatels Publishing, Torun, Poland.
Refereed Journal Articles
Acosta-Martínez, V., T.M. Zobeck, T.E. Gill, and A.C. Kennedy. 2003. Enzyme activities and microbial community structure in semiarid agricultural soils. Biology and Fertility of Soils 38:216-227.
Clement, S.L., L.R. Elberson, F.L. Young, J.R. Alldredge, R.H. Ratcliffe, and C. Hennings. 2003. Variable Hessian Fly (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) populations in cereal production systems in eastern Washington. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 76:567-577.
Dierksen, K.P., G.W. Whittaker, G.M. Banowetz, M.A. Azevedo, A.C. Kennedy, J.J. Steiner, and S.M. Griffith. 2003. High resolution characterization of soil biological communities by nucleic and fatty acid analyses. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 34:1853-1860.
Giri, G.S., and W.F. Schillinger. 2003. Seed priming winter wheat for germination, emergence, and yield. Crop Science 43:2135-2141.
Smith, E.G. and D.L. Young. 2003. Cropping diversity along the U.S.-Canada border. Review of Agricultural Economics 25 1:154-167.
Thorne, M.E., F.L. Young, W.L. Pan, R. Bafus, and J.R. Alldredge. 2003. No-till spring cereal cropping systems reduce wind erosion susceptibility in the wheat/fallow region of the Pacific Northwest. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 58:250-257.
Upadhayay, B.M., D.L. Young, H.H. Wang, and P.R. Wandschneider. 2003. How do farmers who adopt multiple conservation practices differ from their neighbors? American Journal of Alternative Agriculture 18:27-36.
Thesis and Dissertation
Upadhyay, B.M. (Agricultural Economics). 2003. Analysis of farmers’ investment behavior for conservation technologies. Ph.D. dissertation, Washington State University.
Walters, C.G. (Agricultural Economics). 2003. Weed management and landlord/tenant relationships for eastern Washington grain growers. M.A. thesis, Washington State University.
Extension Bulletins
Esser, A.D. 2003. On-farm test results, Lincoln-Adams area 2003. Adams County Technical Report OFT-03.
Esser, A.D, H. Hinman, and T. Platt. 2003. 2003 Enterprise budgets for spring barley, spring wheat and winter wheat using direct seeding tillage practices, Lincoln County, Washington. Washington State University Extension Bulletin 1963E.
Janosky, J.S., D.L. Young, and W.F. Schillinger. 2003. Economics of conservation tillage in a wheat-fallow rotation. Certified crop advisors continuing education self-study course. Certified Crop Advisors Advantage (May):5-7.
Juergens, L.A., D.L. Young, H.R. Hinman, and W.F. Schillinger. 2003. An economic comparison of no-till spring wheat and oilseed rotations to conventional winter wheat – fallow in Adams County, Washington. p. 32. Washington State University Extension Bulletin 1956E.
Juergens, L.A., D.L. Young, and H.R. Hinman. 2003. Economics of alternative no-till spring crop rotations in Washington’s wheat-fallow region. Pacific Northwest Conservation Tillage Handbook Series No. 19, Chapter 10.
Platt, T., H. Hinman and A.D. Esser. 2003. 2003 Enterprise budgets for summer fallow-winter wheat, spring barley and spring wheat using conventional tillage practices, Lincoln County, Washington. Washington State University Extension Bulletin 1964E.
Schillinger, W.F., R.I Papendick, S.O. Guy, P.E. Rasmussen, and C. van Kessel. 2003. Dryland cropping in the western United States. Pacific Northwest Conservation Tillage Handbook Series No. 28, Chapter 2.
Published Abstracts
Baker, D.A., D.L. Young, D.R. Huggins, and W.L. Pan. 2003. Economically optimal nitrogen fertilization for yield and protein in hard red spring wheat. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics. December.
Esser, A.D., and R. Veseth. 2003. On-farm testing of Best Management Practices to reduce PM10 emissions. p. 54. Soil and Water Conservation Society annual meeting, 28-31 July, Spokane, WA. SWCS Annual Conference Abstracts.
Flury, M., Y. Al-Mula, C.O. Stöckle, J.Q. Wu, J. Mathison, and D.R. Huggins. 2003. Potential for chemical fallow for dryland cropping. Soil and Water Conservation Society annual meeting, 28-31 July, Spokane, WA. SWCS Annual Conference Abstracts.
Forté-Gardner, O., and F.L. Young. 2003. Growers’ response to conservation tillage research to reduce wind erosion. p. 54. Soil and Water Conservation Society annual meeting, 28-31 July, Spokane, WA. SWCS Annual Conference Abstracts.
Frazier, B.E., 2003. Field spectra, shadows, and landsat. Soil and Water Conservation Society annual meeting, 28-31 July, Spokane, WA. SWCS Annual Conference Abstracts.
Gollany, H.L., S.B. Wuest, J.D. Williams, W.F. Schillinger, A.A. Baker, and D.A. Robertson. 2003. Subsoiling influence on nutrients in runoff following rainfall simulation. [CD-ROM]. Soil Science Society of America annual meeting, 2-6 Nov., Denver, CO. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Abstracts.
Jain, R., B. Lamb, J. Vaughan, and C. Claiborn. 2003. ClearSky – A smoke dispersion forecast system for agricultural burning. p. 51. Soil and Water Conservation Society annual meeting, 28-31 July, Spokane, WA. SWCS Annual Conference Abstracts.
Jain, R., B. Lamb, J. Vaughan, and C. Claiborn. 2003. ClearSky – A smoke dispersion forecast system for agricultural burning. The 43rd annual meeting of the Pacific Northwest International Section of the Air and Waste Management Association, 23-26 September, Anchorage, AL
Kennedy, A.C., A. Busacca, and T.L. Stubbs. 2003. Biological fingerprinting of soil for source identification. p. 50. Soil and Water Conservation Society, annual meeting, 28-31 July, Spokane, WA. SWCS Annual Conference Abstracts.
Paulitz, T.C., W.F. Schillinger, and R.J. Cook. 2003. Greenhouse studies of Rhizoctonia bare patch disease in soil cores for direct-seeded fields. [CD-ROM]. American Society of Agronomy annual meeting, 2-6 Nov., Denver, CO. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Abstracts.
Richardson, C.A., D.C.W. Sanderson, and M.R. Sweeney. 2003. Dating loess – old and new techniques. p. 55. United Kingdom Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Meeting Abstracts.
Schafer, H.L., W.F. Schillinger, B.E. Sauer, A.C. Kennedy, and T.C. Paulitz. 2003. Direct seeding into heavy residue or irrigated crops as an alternative to burning. p. 53. Soil and Water Conservation Society annual meeting, 28-31 July, Spokane, WA. SWCS Annual Conference Abstracts.
Schillinger, W.F., and R.I. Papendick. 2003. Soil physical properties and water intake after six years of no-tillage. [CD-ROM]. Soil Science Society of America annual meeting, 2-6 Nov., Denver, CO. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Abstracts.
Schillinger, W.F., R.J. Cook, and T.C. Paulitz. 2003. Mapping Rhizoctonia bare patch disease in direct-seeded crops. [CD-ROM]. American Society of Agronomy annual meeting, 2-6 Nov., Denver, CO. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Abstracts.
Schillinger, W.F., K.E. Saxton, and B.S. Sharratt. 2003. The Columbia Plateau Wind Erosion / Air Quality Project: Ten years of research progress. Western Society of Soil Science annual meeting. p. 80. In Proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science Pacific Division 84th annual meeting, 15-19 June, San Francisco, CA.
Schillinger, W.F., D.L. Young, R.I. Papendick, and H.L. Schafer. 2003. Conservation tillage and no-tillage success stories in Washington’s low-precipitation zone. p. 54. Soil and Water Conservation Society annual meeting, 28-31 July, Spokane, WA. SWCS Annual Conference Abstracts.
Sharratt, B.S. 2003. Progress toward a dust emissions model for the Columbia Plateau. [CD-ROM]. American Association for Aerosol Research, 31 March – 4 April, Pittsburgh, PA.
Sharratt, B.S., K.E. Saxton, and W.F. Schillinger. 2003. Overview of the Columbia Plateau Wind Erosion / Air Quality Project. p. 50. Soil and Water Conservation Society annual meeting, 28-31 July, Spokane, WA. SWCS Annual Conference Abstracts.
Stubbs, T.L., A.C. Kennedy, and W.F. Schillinger. 2003. Soil quality changes with conservation management in dryland systems. p. 54. Soil and Water Conservation Society annual meeting, 28-31 July, Spokane, WA. SWCS Annual Conference Abstracts.
Sundram, I. 2003. Windblown dust in the Columbia Plateau: Empirical studies on the physical properties of atmospheric dust. p. 50. Soil and Water Conservation Society annual meeting, 28-31 July, Spokane, WA. SWCS Annual Conference Abstracts.
Sundram, I., C. Claiborn, T. Strand, B. Lamb, D. Chandler, and K. Saxton. 2003. Numerical modeling of regional windblown dust in the Pacific Northwest and incorporation of an improved dust emission model. 2003 annual Geophysical Union meeting, 8-12 December, San Francisco, CA.
Sweeney, M.R., D.R. Gaylord, A.J. Busacca, and B.A Halver. 2003. Eureka Flat: A long-term dust-production engine of the Palouse loess, Pacific Northwest, USA. p. 218. IXVI INQUA Congress Program with Abstracts.
Sweeney, M.R., A.J. Busacca, C.A. Richardson, M.S. Blinnikov, and E.V. McDonald. 2003. The Columbia Plateau dust engine during the last glacial maximum: Trouble with cold starts. p. 97. XVI INQUA Congress Program with Abstracts.
Sweeney, M.R., A.J. Busacca, and D.R. Gaylord. 2003. High accumulation rates and the generation of thick loess via topographic traps, Juniper Canyon, OR. Geological Society of America Program with Abstracts.
Veseth, R.J., W.F. Schillinger, D.J. Wysocki, and S.O. Guy. 2003. Grower access to cropping systems technology for wind erosion control. p. 55. Soil and Water Conservation Society annual meeting, 28-31 July, Spokane, WA. SWCS Annual Conference Abstracts.
Williams, J.D., S.B. Wuest, W.F. Schillinger, H.T. Gollany, and D.K. McCool. 2003. Rotary subsoiler effectiveness on runoff and erosion in dryland wheat in Washington State. American Water Resources Association annual meeting, 4-7 Nov., San Diego, CA.
Wu, J., S. Dun, and D. Huggins. 2003. Optimizing planting time based on SHAW-simulated seed-zone moisture and temperature. [CD-ROM]. Soil Science Society of America annual meeting, 2-6 Nov., Denver, CO. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Abstracts.
Xiao, C., M.F. Fauci, D.F. Bezdicek, M. Lewis, W.T. McKean, W.L. Pan. 2003. Microbiological response to soil application of straw pulping black liquor. [CD-ROM]. Soil Science Society of America annual meeting, 2-6 Nov., Denver, CO. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Abstracts.
Young, F.L., W.L. Pan, K.K. Kidwell, and O. Forté-Gardner. 2003. Environmental, agronomic, and pest management advances in the Pacific Northwest wheat-fallow region. p. 53. Soil and Water Conservation Society annual meeting, 28-31 July, Spokane, WA. SWCS Annual Conference Abstracts.
Zobeck, T.M., R.S. van Pelt, J. Kjelgaard, and B.S. Sharratt. 2003. Linkage of saltation and dust emissions in bare agricultural fields. 2nd Workshop on Mineral Dust, Paris, France.
Experiment Station Research and Extension Reports
Forté-Gardner, O., F. Young, W. Pan, and C. Hennings. 2003. Ralston project continues on! p. 27. In J. Burns and R. Veseth (eds.) 2003 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 03-2, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Giri, G. and B. Schillinger. 2003. Seed priming winter wheat for germination, emergence, and yield. 2003. p. 28. In 2003 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 03-2, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Kennedy, A.C., T.L. Stubbs and J.C. Hansen. 2003. Soil quality and soil life. University of Idaho Extension Service website. Treasure Valley Small Farms Website.
Kennedy, A.C., T.L. Stubbs, W.F. Schillinger, and J.C. Hansen. 2003. Soil quality changes with no-till management adoption for wind erosion control. p. 29. In 2003 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 03-2, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Paulitz, T.C., W. Schillinger, and R.J. Cook. 2003. Root diseases in the irrigated crop residue management study at Lind. p. 26. In 2003 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 03-2, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Schillinger, B., C. Shelton, H. Schafer, and S. Schofstoll. 2003. Comparative water use by six dryland alternative crops. p. 28. In 2003 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 03-2, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Schillinger, B., R. Jirava, H. Schafer, J. Cook, D. Young, T. Paulitz, and A. Kennedy. 2003. Long-term no-till alternative cropping systems research at the Ron Jirava farm: Year 6. p. 29. In 2003 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 03-2, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Schillinger, B., H. Schafer, D. Rowell, D. Young, and S. Schofstoll. 2003. Winter wheat – summer fallow vs. continuous annual no-till hard red spring wheat in the Horse Heaven Hills. p. 30. In 2003 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 03-2, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Schillinger, W.F., H.L. Schafer, B.E. Sauer, A.C. Kennedy, and T.C. Paulitz. 2003. Alternative to burning. p. 30. In 2003 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 03-2, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Schillinger, B., H. Schafer, B. Sauer, and S. Schofstoll. 2003. Polymer seed coatings for late fall dormant planting of cereals. p. 31. In 2003 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 03-2, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Tonks, D., and A.D. Esser. 2003. Fall fertilization for spring wheat production in direct seed annual crop rotations. p. 32-33. In 2002 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 03-2, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Young, D.L., and F.L. Young. 2003. Economics of wind erosion control and cropping systems at the Ralston project. p. 35. In J. Burns and R. Veseth (eds.) 2003 Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 03-2, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Book Chapters
Busacca, A.J. and D. Chandler. 2002. Climate change and erosion by wind. p. 484-488. In R. Lal (ed.) Encyclopedia of Soil Science. Marcel Dekker, New York.
Flury, M., and T. Gimmi. 2002. Solute diffusion. p. 1323-1351. In J.H. Dane and G.C. Topp (eds.) Methods of Soil Analysis, Part 4, Physical Methods. Soil Science Society of America, Madison, WI.
Kennedy, A.C., and J.W. Doran. 2002. Sustainable agriculture: role of microorganisms. p. 3116-3126. In G. Bitton (ed.) Encyclopedia of Environmental Microbiology. Vol. 6. John Wiley and Sons, Inc. New York, NY.
Refereed Journal Articles
Chandler, D.G., K. Saxton, A. Busacca, and J. Kjelgaard. 2002. A technique to measure PM10 and PM2.5 emission potential from wind erosion. Soil Science Society of America Journal 66:1127-1133.
Cook, R.J., W.F. Schillinger, and N.W. Christensen. 2002. Rhizoctonia root rot and wheat take-all in diverse direct-seed spring cropping systems. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology 24:349-358.
Ibekwe, A.M., A.C. Kennedy, P.S. Frohne, S.K. Papiernik, C.–H. Yang, and D.E. Crowley. 2002. Microbial diversity along a transect of agronomic zones. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 39:183-191.
Janosky, J.S., D.L. Young, and W.F. Schillinger. 2002. Economics of conservation tillage in a wheat-fallow rotation. Agronomy Journal 94:527-531.
Kennedy, A.C., B.J. Johnson and T.L. Stubbs. 2002. Host range of a deleterious rhizobacterium for biological control of downy brome. Weed Science 49:792-797.
Petersen, S.O., P.S. Frohne, and A.C. Kennedy. 2002. Dynamics of a soil microbial community under spring wheat. Soil Science Society of America Journal 66:826-833.
Weinert, T., W.L. Pan, M.R. Moneymaker, G.S. Santo, and R.G. Stevens. 2002. Nitrogen recycling by non-leguminous winter cover crops to reduce leaching in potato rotations. Agronomy Journal 94:365-372.
Thesis and Dissertations
Baker, D.A. (Agricultural Economics). 2002. Assessing the economic viability of no-till farming systems for two agro-climatic zones in the Pacific Northwest. M.A. thesis, Washington State University.
Bell, J. (Soil Science). 2002. Residue c dynamics and c storage in semiarid no-till spring crop rotations. M.S. thesis, Washington State University.
Giri, G.S. (Crop Science). 2002. Seed priming winter wheat for germination, emergence and yield. M.S. thesis, Washington State University.
Jimenez, Jorge. (Environmental Science). 2002. Air quality impacts from agricultural field burning in eastern Washington. M.S. thesis, Washington State University.
Juergens, L.A. (Agricultural Economics). 2002. An economic analysis of no-till soft white spring wheat, spring barley, yellow mustard, safflower and conventionally tilled soft white winter wheat in Adams County, Washington. M.A. thesis, Washington State University.
Extension Bulletins
Cook, R.J., W. Schillinger, N. Christensen, R. Jirava, and H. Schafer. 2002. Occurrence of the rhizoctonia bare patch disease in diverse direct seed spring cropping systems in a low-precipitation zone. Pacific Northwest Conservation Tillage Handbook Series No. 19, Chapter 4.
Esser, A.D. 2002. On-farm test results, Lincoln-Adams area 2002. Adams County Technical Report OFT-02.
Janosky, J., D. Young, and W. Schillinger. 2002. Economics of conservation tillage in a wheat-fallow rotation. Pacific Northwest Conservation Tillage Handbook Series No. 16, Chapter 10.
Veseth, R. 2002. Expanding Internet / E-mail Access to Pacific Northwest Direct Seed Cropping Systems Technology. Pacific Northwest Conservation Tillage Handbook Series No. 17, Chapter 10.
Conference Proceedings
Claiborn, C.S. 2002. Air quality issues associated with windblown dust: settled? Session keynote presentation at the 2002 International Conference on Wind Erosion and Aeolian Processes, Lubbock, TX. July 22-26.
Kjelgaard, J., D. Chandler, and K. Saxton. 2002. Evidence for direct suspension of loessial soils. p. 38. In J.A. Lee and T.M. Zobeck (eds.) Proceedings of ICAR5/GCTE-SEN Joint Conference, International Center for Arid and Semiarid Lands Studies, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, USA Publication 02-2.
Kjelgaard, J., K. Saxton, B. Lamb, and C. Claiborn. 2002. Intensive study site for monitoring, measuring and modeling agricultural field dust emissions. p. 163. In J.A. Lee and T.M. Zobeck (eds.) Proceedings of ICAR5/GCTE-SEN Joint Conference, International Center for Arid and Semiarid Lands Studies, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, USA Publication 02-2.
Veseth, R.J. (ed.). 2002. Proceedings of Fifth Northwest Direct Seed Cropping Systems Conference. p. 1-177. 16-18 Jan., Spokane, WA. Northwest Direct Seed Conference office, P.O. Box 2002, Pasco, WA, and on the Web (
Veseth, R.J. and R.S. Karow. 2002. Direct seeding or no-till…. what’s the difference. p. 30-33. In F. Lessiter (ed.) Proceedings of the 10th Annual National No-Tillage Conference, 21-23 Jan., St. Louis, MO.
Published Abstracts
Acosta-Martínez, V., T.M. Zobeck, T.E. Gill, and A.C. Kennedy. 2002. Microbial community structure and enzyme activities in semiarid soils. [CD-ROM]. Soil Science Society of America annual meeting, 11-14 Nov., Indianapolis, IN. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Abstracts.
Corkill, J., R. Dhammapala, C. Claiborn, and C. Simpson. 2002. Chemical composition of agricultural field smoke. p. 59. Pacific Northwest International Section of the Air and Waste Management Association, 6-8 Nov., Tacoma, WA.
Gaylord, D.R., M.R. Sweeney, and A.J. Busacca. 2002. Geomorphic development of a late quaternary paired eolian sequence, Columbia Plateau, Washington. Geological Society of America, Abstract Program 34, no. 6, 109-2.
Jimenez, J., and C.S. Claiborn. 2002. Air quality impacts of agricultural field burning in Pullman. p. 86. Annual Conference of the Pacific Northwest International Section of the Air and Waste Management Association, 6-8 Nov., Tacoma, WA.
Karow, R., R.Veseth, S. Guy, S. Wuest, and D. Wysocki. 2002. AGSTATS02 – A simple statistical analysis program for on-farm testing. [CD-ROM]. Soil Science Society of America annual meeting, 11-14 Nov., Indianapolis, IN. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Abstracts.
Kennedy, A.C., T.L. Stubbs, and W.F. Schillinger. 2002. Soil quality changes with the transition to no-till dryland cereal systems. [CD-ROM]. Soil Science Society of America annual meeting, 11-14 Nov., Indianapolis, IN. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Abstracts.
Schillinger, W.F., and D.L. Young. 2002. Cropping systems research in the driest wheat region of the world. [CD-ROM]. American Society of Agronomy annual meeting, 11-14 Nov., Indianapolis, IN. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Abstracts.
Schillinger, W.F., T.C. Paulitz, and A.C. Kennedy. 2002. Direct seeding into heavy irrigated cereal stubble instead of burning. [CD-ROM]. Soil Science Society of America annual meeting, 11-14 Nov., Indianapolis, IN. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Abstracts.
Sweeney, M.R., A.J. Busacca, D.R. Gaylord, and C. Zender. 2002. Provenance of Palouse loess related to late quaternary glacial outburst flooding in the Pacific Northwest. EOS Transactions AGU, 83(47), Fall Meeting Supplement, Abstract H22B-0899.
Sweeney, M.R., A.J. Busacca, and D.R. Gaylord. 2002. Changes in loess-dune deposition in response to climate fluctuations on the Columbia Plateau, Washington. Geological Society of America Abstract Program 34, no. 5, A77.
Young, F.L. 2002. Long term weed management studies in the Pacific Northwest. WSSA Abstracts. 42:57.
Experiment Station Research and Extension Reports
Cook, R.J., S. Ullrich, and W. Schillinger. 2002. Performance of advanced line and varieties of spring barley seeded directly into wheat or barley stubble. p. 113-115. In 2001 Field Day Proceedings: Highlights of Research Progress. Dept. of Crop and Soil Science Technical Report 02-1, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Esser, A.E and D.J. Tonks. 2002. Spring cereal fertilization, Lincoln County. p. 29-30. On-Farm Test Results. OFT-01.
Juergens, L., D. Young, and W. Schillinger. 2002. Economics of alternative no-till spring crops at Jirava farm, Ritzville, WA. p. 132-133. In 2002 Field Day Proceedings: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 02-1, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Juergens, L., D. Young, and W. Schillinger. 2002. Economics of no-till annual spring cropping systems project, Ritzville, WA. p. 134-135. In 2002 Field Day Proceedings: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 02-1, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Juergens, L., D. Young, and W. Schillinger. 2002. Winter wheat after fallow yield survey results for Ritzville growers, Adams County, WA. p. 141-142. In 2002 Field Day Proceedings: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 02-1, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Schillinger, B., D. Rowell, H. Schafer, D. Young, S. Albrecht, and S. Schofstoll. 2002. Cropping systems research in the driest wheat region of the world. p. 100-101. In 2002 Field Day Proceedings: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 02-1, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Schillinger, B., H. Schafer, and B. Sauer. 2002. Long-term dryland cropping systems research at Lind: The next six years. p. 89. In 2002 Field Day Proceedings: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 02-1, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Schillinger, W., H. Schafer, B. Sauer, T. Paulitz, A. Kennedy, D. Young, S. Schofstoll, R. Veseth, D. Wysocki, K. Saxton, B. Fode, K. Schroeder, and C. Claiborn. 2002. Irrigated cropping systems research at Lind. p. 96-99. In 2002 Field Day Proceedings: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 02-1, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Schillinger, B., R. Jirava, H. Schafer, J. Cook, D. Young, A. Kennedy, and S. Schofstoll. 2002. Long-term direct seed alternative cropping systems research at the Ron Jirava farm: Year 5. p. 92-94. In 2002 Field Day Proceedings: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 02-1, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Schillinger, W., H. Schafer, B. Sauer, and S. Schofstoll. 2002. Post-harvest management of Russian thistle. p. 122. In 2002 Field Day Proceedings: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 02-1, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Schillinger, W., H. Schafer, B. Sauer, A. Kennedy, and K. Saxton. 2002. Dryland direct-seed annual cropping systems at Lind: The first four years. p. 90-91. In 2002 Field Day Proceedings: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 02-1, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Schillinger, W., R. Papendick, S. Guy, P. Rasmussen, and C. van Kessel. 2002. Precipitation and evaporation in five dryland cropping zones in the Western United States. p. 95. In 2002 Field Day Proceedings: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 02-1, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Veseth, R.J., D. Wysocki, R. Karow, S. Guy, B. Schillinger, J. Yenish, J. Burns, G. Schwab, D. Tonks, B. Brown and L. Robertson. 2002. Pacific Northwest Conservation Tillage Update newsletter. 20 pgs. University of Idaho, Oregon State University and Washington State University.
Veseth, R.J., D. Wysocki, R. Karow, S. Guy, B. Schillinger, J. Yenish, J. Burns, G. Schwab, D. Tonks, B. Brown and L. Robertson. 2002. Pacific Northwest Conservation Tillage Update newsletter. 30 pgs. University of Idaho, Oregon State University and Washington State University.
Veseth, R., D. Wysocki, R. Karow, S. Guy, B. Schillinger, J. Yenish, G. Schwab, J. Burns, D. Tonks, L. Robertson, and B. Brown. 2002. Expanding Web / E-mail Access to PNW Direct Seed Cropping Systems Technology. 2002 Field Day Proceedings: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 02-1, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Veseth, R., D. Roe, and D. Wysocki. 2002. PNW Direct Seed Case Study Series Available. 2002. Expanding Web / E-mail Access to PNW Direct Seed Cropping Systems Technology. 2002 Field Day Proceedings: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 02-1, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Veseth, R. 2002. NW Direct Seed Conferences Expand Technology Access. 2002 Field Day Proceedings: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 02-1, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Young, D.L., W.F. Schillinger, and F.L. Young. 2002. How the 2001 drought affected the economic risk of continuous no-till hard red spring wheat in Adams and Benton counties experiments. p. 136-140. In 2002 Field Day Proceedings: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 02-1, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Refereed Journal Articles
Busacca, A.J., H.M. Marks, and R. Rossi. 2001. Volcanic glass in soils of the Columbia Plateau, Pacific Northwest U.S. Soil Science Society of America Journal 65:161-168.
Donaldson, E., W.F. Schillinger, and S.M. Dofing. 2001. Straw production and grain yield relationships in winter wheat. Crop Science 41:100-106.
Kunch, T., B.E. Frazier, W.L. Pan and A.M. Smith. 2001. Satellite radar assessment of winter cover types. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 27:603-615.
Schillinger, W.F. 2001. Minimum and delayed conservation tillage for wheat-fallow farming. Soil Science Society of America Journal 65:1203-1209.
Vaughan, J.K., C.S. Claiborn, and D. Finn. 2001. The April 1998 Asian dust event over the Columbia Plateau. Journal of Geophysical Research 106:18,381-18,402.
Thesis and Dissertation
Kunch, T.K. (Soil Science). 2001. Radar assessment and GIS modeling of winter cover types in the Columbia Basin M.S. thesis, Washington State University.
Extension Bulletins
Esser, A.D. 2001. On-farm test results, Lincoln-Adams area 2001. Adams County Technical Report OFT-01.
Mallory, E., R. Veseth, T. Fiez, D. Roe and D. Wysocki. 2001. Direct seeding in the Inland Northwest: Jepsen farm case study. Pacific Northwest Extension Publication PNW 540.
McCool, D.K., C.D. Pannkuk, A.C. Kennedy, and P.S. Frohne. 2001. Effects of burn/low-till on erosion and soil quality. 31 pgs. Washington State University, College of Agriculture and Home Economics Miscellaneous Publication XB1040, Pullman, WA.
Schillinger, W., H. Schafer, and B. Sauer. 2001. Minimum and delayed conservation tillage for wheat-fallow farming. Pacific Northwest Conservation Tillage Handbook Series No. 27, Chapter 2.
Veseth, R. May 2001. Web site resource links with cropping systems technologies for direct seeding. Version II. May 2001 Northwest Conservation Tillage Update newsletter. University of Idaho, Oregon State University and Washington State University.
Young, D.L, H.R. Hinman, and W.F. Schillinger. 2001. Economics of winter wheat-summer fallow vs. no-till spring wheat in the Horse Heaven Hills. Cooperative Extension Bulletin 1907, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Conference Proceedings
Clement S., L. Elberson, F.L. Young, and N.N. Youssef. 2001. More on aphids and their natural enemies in Washington wheat. p 63-66. In Research Reports, 60th Annual Pacific Northwest Insect Management Conference, January, Portland, OR.
Elberson, L., S. Clement, F.L. Young, and N.N. Youssef. 2001. Effects of tillage and cropping system on Hessian fly densities in small grains of central Washington. p 71-75. In Research Reports, 60th Annual Pacific Northwest Insect Management Conference, January, Portland, OR.
Pan, W.L., F.L. Young, and K.K. Kidwell. 2001. Carbon and nitrogen cycling in direct-seeded spring cereal alternatives to summer fallow. p. 202-209. In B. Brown (ed.) Proceedings of the Western Nutrient Management Conference. Potash and Phosphate Institute, Brookings, SD.
Schillinger, W.F. 2001. Reducing water runoff and erosion from frozen agricultural soils. p. 32-35. In J.C. Ascough II and D.C. Flannagan (eds.) Proceedings of the International Symposium Soil Erosion Research for the 21st Century, American Society of Agricultural Engineers, 3-5 Jan., Honolulu, HI.
Veseth, R.J. (ed.). 2001. Proceedings of Northwest Direct Seed Cropping Systems Conference. p. 1-125. 17-19 Jan., Spokane, WA. Northwest Direct Seed Conference office, P.O. Box 2002, Pasco, WA.
Published Abstracts
Dhammapala, R., C. Claiborn, J. Corkill, and B. Gullett. 2001. Particulate emission rates and composition of smoke from wheat stubble burning in Eastern Washington. p. 44. Pacific Northwest International Section of the Air and Waste Management Association, Big Sky, MT.
Frohne, P. S., J.J. Halvorson, and A.C. Kennedy. 2001. Microbial community structure and function in Mount St. Helens pyroclastic substrate. Ecological Society of America Abstracts.
Jimenez, J., and C. Claiborn. 2001. Air quality impacts from agricultural field burning in Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho. p. 41. Annual Conference of the Pacific Northwest International Section of the Air and Waste Management Association, 5-7 Dec., Big Sky, MT.
Kjelgaard, J., K. Saxton, B. Lamb, C. Claiborn, and B. Barry. 2001. Intensive study site for monitoring, measuring and modeling agricultural field dust emissions: Site instrumentation descriptions and preliminary results. Annual conference of the Pacific Northwest International Section of the Air and Waste Management Association, Big Sky, MT.
Kruger, C. I., R. J. Cook, W. Schillinger, V. Jitkov, R. Sloot, and S. E. Ullrich. 2001. Stand establishment and performance characteristics of direct seeded barley germplasm lines. [CD-ROM]. Crop Science Society of America annual meeting, 21-25, Oct., Charlotte, NC. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Abstracts.
Kunch, T., R. Bolton, B. Frazier, J. Brunty, and W. Pan. 2001. GIS model of cover crop options for reducing nitrate leaching and wind erosion. [CD-ROM]. Soil Science Society of America annual meeting, 21-25, Oct., Charlotte, NC. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Abstracts.
Kunch, T.K., W.L. Pan, M.E. Stannard, and R.P. Bolton. 2001. Cover crop assessment and modeling with GIS. Western Society Soil Science annual meeting, Moscow, ID.
Schillinger, W.F., and R.J. Cook. 2001. Rhizoctonia root rot in diverse wheat-based no-till cropping systems. [CD-ROM]. Crop Science Society of America annual meeting, 21-25, Oct., Charlotte, NC. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Abstracts.
Schillinger, W.F. 2001. Minimum and delayed conservation tillage for wheat-fallow cropping systems. [CD-ROM]. Soil Science Society of America annual meeting, 21-25 Oct., Charlotte, NC. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Abstracts.
Stubbs, T.L., A.C. Kennedy, and R. Kremer. 2001. Deleterious bacteria in the rhizosphere. p. 65. [CD-ROM]. Soil Science Society of America annual meeting, 21-25, Oct., Charlotte, NC. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Abstracts.
Sundram, I., J. Kjelgaard, C. Claiborn, B. Lamb, and K. Saxton. 2001. Columbia Plateau PM10 Project: Wind tunnel calibrations of continuous particulate samplers. p. 34. Annual conference of the Pacific Northwest International Section of the Air and Waste Management Association, Big Sky, MT.
Sweeney, M.R., D.R. Gaylord, and A.J. Busacca. 2001. Geomorphic, sedimentologic and bioclimatic models for loess accumulation on the Columbia Plateau, Pacific Northwest. In Geological Society of America, annual meeting abstracts with programs, Boston, MA. Abstract No. 26286.
Young, D.L, W.F. Schillinger, and F.L. Young. 2001. Economics of no-till hard red spring wheat vs. winter wheat-summer fallow. [CD-ROM]. American Society of Agronomy annual meeting, 21-25 Oct., Charlotte, NC. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Abstracts.
Experiment Station Research and Extension Reports
Burns, J. and R. Veseth. (eds.). June 2001. 2001 Field Day Proceedings: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 01-4, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Launchbaugh, K., L. McGrew, and F.L. Young. 2001. Integrated spring cropping systems for the semiarid wheat – fallow region. Technical Report 01-2, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Lyon, S., S. Jones, K. Campbell, J. Burns, and B. Schillinger. 2001. Winter wheat stand establishment and emergence comparisons. p. 13-14. In 2001 Field Day Proceedings: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 01-4, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Schillinger, W., S. Guy, R. Papendick, P. Rasmussen, and C. van Kessel. 2001. Where are dryland crops produced in the western United States? p. 89. In 2001 Field Day Proceedings: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 01-4, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Schillinger, W., R. Jirava, R.J. Cook, D. Young, H. Schafer, A. Kennedy, N. Christensen, and G. Giri. 2001. Long-term alternative crop rotations using no-till: The first four years in Adams county. p. 91-94. In 2001 Field Day Proceedings: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 01-4, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Schillinger, W., H. Schafer, B. Sauer, A. Kennedy, D. Young, D. Wysocki, and T. Paulitz. 2001. No-till seeding into standing irrigated stubble instead of burning. p. 95-97. In 2001 Field Day Proceedings: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 01-4, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Schillinger, W., H. Schafer, B. Sauer, K. Saxton, and A. Kennedy. 2001. Annual no-till cropping systems research at the WSU Dryland Research Station at Lind. p. 90. In 2001 Field Day Proceedings: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 01-4, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Upadhyay, B.M., D.L. Young, and H.H. Wang. 2001. Do farmers who adopt multiple wind erosion control practices differ from their neighbors? In J. Burns and R. Veseth (ed.) 2001 Field Day Proceedings: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 01-4, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Veseth, R., D. Wysocki, R. Karow, S. Guy, B. Schillinger, J. Yenish, J. Burns, G. Schwab, L. Robertson, and B. Brown. 2001. PNW web site direct seed technology access provided. In 2001 Field Day Research and Extension Report. Plant, Soil and Entomological Science Department, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID.
Veseth, R.J. 2001. Northwest Direct Seed Cropping Systems Conference Direct Link, Pacific Northwest Direct Seed Association, Pasco, WA.
Veseth, R. May 2001. Web site resource links with cropping systems technologies for direct seeding. Version II. May 2001 Northwest Conservation Tillage Update newsletter. University of Idaho, Oregon State University and Washington State University.
Veseth, R., E. Mallory, T. Fiez, R.D. Roe, and D. Wysocki. June 2001. PNW direct seed grower case study series completed. In 2001 Field Day Proceedings: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 01-4, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Veseth, R., D. Wysocki, R. Karow, S. Guy, B. Schillinger, J. Yenish, J. Burns, G. Schwab, L. Robertson, B. Brown. June 2001. PNW web site provides direct seed technology access. In 2001 Field Day Proceedings: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 01-4, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Young, D.L., J.J. Janosky, F.L. Young, and T. Kwon. 2001 Economic results for Phase I of Ralston project, 1996-2000. In J. Burns and R. Veseth (eds.) 2001 Field Day Proceedings: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 01-4, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Young, D.L., H.R. Hinman, and W.F. Schillinger. 2001. How competitive is continuous no-till spring wheat in the Horse Heaven Hills? p. 108-111. In 2001 Field Day Proceedings: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 01-4, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Refereed Journal Articles
Carpenter-Boggs, L., A.C. Kennedy, and J.P. Reganold. 2000. Biodynamic preparations: short-term effects on crops, soils and weed populations. American Journal of Alternative Agriculture 15:110-118.
Carpenter-Boggs, L., A.C. Kennedy, and J.P. Reganold. 2000. Organic and biodynamic management: Effects on soil biology. Soil Science Society of America Journal 64:1651-1659.
Claiborn, C., D. Finn, T. Larson, and J. Koenig. 2000. Windblown dust contributes to high PM2.5 concentrations. Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association 55:1440-1445.
Saxton, K., D. Chandler, L. Stetler, B. Lamb, C. Claiborn, and B.-H. Lee. 2000. Wind erosion and fugitive dust fluxes on agricultural lands in the Pacific Northwest. Transactions of American Society of Agricultural Engineers 43:623-630.
Schillinger, W.F., and F.L. Young. 2000. Soil water use and growth of Russian thistle after wheat harvest. Agronomy Journal 92:167-172.
Smith, E.G. and D.L. Young. 2000. The economic and environmental revolution in semiarid cropping in North America. Annals of Arid Zone 39:347-361.
Smith, E.G. and D.L. Young. 2000. Requiem for summer fallow? Choices (First Quarter):24-25.
Wang, H.H., D.L. Young, and O.M. Camara. 2000. The role of environmental education in predicting adoption of wind erosion control practices. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 25:547-558.
Thesis and Dissertation
Stubbs, T.L. (Soil Science). 2000. Soil quality and residue decomposition potential in conservation farming systems. M.S. thesis, Washington State University.
Vaughan, J.K. (Chemical Engineering). 2000. Application of remote sensing techniques to measurement of windblown dust over the Columbia Plateau. Ph.D. dissertation, Washington State University.
Extension Bulletins
Donaldson, E., W. Schillinger, and S. Dofing. 2000. Straw production and grain yield relationships in winter wheat. Pacific Northwest Conservation Tillage Handbook Series No. 3, Chapter 21.
Esser, A.D. 2000. On-farm test results, Lincoln-Adams area 2000. Adams County Technical Report OFT-00.
Mallory, E., R. Veseth, T. Fiez, D. Roe and D. Wysocki. 2000. Direct seeding in the Inland Northwest: Jirava farm case study. Pacific Northwest Extension Publication PNW 528.
Mallory, E., R. Veseth, T. Fiez, D. Roe and D. Wysocki. 2000. Direct seeding in the Inland Northwest: Mader/Rust farm case study. Pacific Northwest Extension Publication PNW 531.
Veseth, R. March 2000. PNW grower direct seed web forum. Pacific Northwest Conservation Tillage Handbook Series No. 13, Chapter 10.
Veseth, R. December 2000. PNW web site provides direct seed technology access. Pacific Northwest Conservation Tillage Handbook Series No. 15, Chapter 10.
Veseth, R., E. Mallory, T. Fiez, R.D. Roe, and D. Wysocki. December 2000. Overview of Northwest direct seed case study publication series. Pacific Northwest Conservation Tillage Handbook Series No. 11, Chapter 10 (revised).
Withers, R., S. Berglund, A.D. Esser, J. Brown, and B. Smathers. 2000. Economics of Yellow Mustard in the Pacific Northwest. University of Idaho Cooperative Extension Bulletin 809.
Young, D., H. Hinman, and R. Veseth. March 2000. PNW economics research shows no-till profitability. Pacific Northwest Conservation Tillage Handbook Series No. 14, Chapter 10.
Conference Proceedings
Countess, R., B. Barnard, C. Claiborn, D. Gillette, D. Latimer, C. V. Mathai, T. Pace, M. Scruggs, and J. Watson. 2000. Methodology for estimating fugitive windblown and mechanically resuspended road dust emissions applicable for regional scale air quality modeling. Final Report to the Western Governors Association on the Western Regional Air Partnership Research and Development Expert Panel Meeting on Windblown and Mechanically Entrained Road Dust, 12-13 Sept., Ventura, CA. WGA Contract No. 30203-9.
Kunch, T.K., B.E. Frazier, W.L. Pan, and A.M. Smith. 2000. Satellite radar assessment of winter cover types. p. 701-710. Proceedings 22nd Canadian Remote Sensing Conference.
Schafer, H.L., and W.F. Schillinger. 2000. Reducing water runoff and erosion from frozen agricultural soils. In Proceedings of the Agriculture and Water Quality in The Pacific Northwest Conference, 24-25 October, Eugene, OR.
Schillinger, W.F. 2000. Residue retention and water storage in low rainfall systems. p. 11-17. In D. Wysocki (ed.) Proceedings of the Northwest Direct Seed Cropping Systems Conference. 4-6 January, Pendleton, OR.
Veseth, R.J. February 2000. Overcoming Northwest obstacles to direct seed intensive cropping systems — adapting new rotations and management strategies. p. 110-118. Proceedings of New Opportunities in Dryland Cropping Systems Conference, 16-17 Feb., Billings, MT.
Published Abstracts
Blaesing-Thompson, S., A. Busacca, and D. Chandler. 2000. Wind erosion on the Columbia Plateau: A mappable solution. In Geological Society of America annual meeting abstracts with programs, Reno, NV. Abstract No. 50815.
Kunch, T.K., W.L. Pan, B.E. Frazier, and A.M. Smith. 2000. Assessment of crop cover type and abundance using satellite radar imagery. p. 323. Soil Science Society of America annual meeting, 5-9 Nov., Minneapolis, MN. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Abstracts.
Kunch, T.K., W. Pan, B.E. Frazier, A.M. Smith, and H. Zhang. 2000. Satellite radar assessment of winter cover types. Soil Science Society of America annual meeting, 5-9 Nov., Minneapolis, MN. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Abstracts.
Saxton, K.E., D.G. Chandler, and A.J. Busacca. 2000. Wind erosion of highly suspendible loessial soils. International Soil Conservation Organization, 11th International Conference, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Saxton, K.E., and W.F. Schillinger. 2000. The Columbia Plateau wind erosion/air quality project: Research results and future challenges. p. 315. Soil Science Society of America annual meeting, 5-9 Nov., Minneapolis, MN. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Abstracts.
Schillinger, W.F. 2000. Russian thistle infestation in dryland spring cereals. p. 132. Crop Science Society of America annual meeting, 5-9 Nov., Minneapolis, MN. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Abstracts.
Schillinger, W.F., R.J. Cook, D.L. Young, A.C. Kennedy, and K.E. Saxton. 2000. Alternative no-till cropping systems research in the semiarid Pacific Northwest USA. In Proceedings of the 11th Meeting of the International Soil Conservation Organization, 22-27 October, Buenos Aries, Argentina.
Schillinger, W.F., and F.L. Young. 2000. Soil water recharge after annual no-till spring wheat vs. winter wheat-fallow. Western Society of Crop Science annual meeting, 18-21 June, Moscow, ID. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Abstracts.
Smith, E. and D. Young. 2000. Cropping diversity and farm programs. In Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics (December):724.
Sweeney, M.R., A.J. Busacca, and D.R. Gaylord. 2000. Eolian facies of the Palouse region, Pacific Northwest: Clues to controls on thick loess accumulation. In Geological Society of America, annual meeting abstracts with programs, Reno, NV. Abstract No. 51164.
Wang, H., D. Young, and O. Camara. 2000. The role of environmental education in predicting adoption of wind erosion control practices. p. 728. In Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics.
Young, F.L., W.L. Pan, K.K. Kidwell and C.R. Hennings. 2000. Integrated spring cropping systems in the Pacific Northwest. p. 76. American Society of Agronomy annual meeting, 5-9 Nov., Minneapolis, MN. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Abstracts.
Experiment Station Research and Extension Reports
Albrecht, S.L., W.F. Schillinger, and C.L. Douglas. 2000. Soil microbial activity in annual spring wheat and wheat-fallow rotations in the very low rainfall areas of the Columbia Plateau. p. 24-28. In 2000 Columbia Basin Agricultural Research Center annual report. Special Report 1012, Pendleton, OR.
Dofing, S., W. Schillinger, H. Schafer, and P. Reisenhauer. 2000. Crop management practices for direct-sown cereals. p. 95-97. In 2000 Field Day Proceedings: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 00-1, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Donaldson, E., W. Schillinger, and S. Dofing. 2000. Straw production and grain yield relationships in winter wheat. p. 70-73. In 2000 Field Day Proceedings: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 00-1, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Forte-Gardner, O. and F.L. Young. 2000. The Ralston Project. p. 1-27. Technical Report 00-03, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Kennedy, A.C. 2000. Development of profiles for distinguishing among dust emissions sources: fatty acid methyl ester analysis. p. 1-26. In California Regional PM10 / PM2.5 Air Quality Study Report.
Launchbaugh, K., L. McGrew, and F.L. Young. 2000. Spring cropping systems for the semiarid wheat fallow region. p. 92. Technical Report 00-4, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Schillinger, W.F. 2000. Residue retention and water storage in low-rainfall systems. p. 58-61. In 2000 Field Day Proceedings: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 00-1, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Schillinger, W., R. Jirava, B. Wetli, R.J. Cook, et al. 2000. Alternative dryland crop rotation research using no-till: The first three years in Adams and Douglas counties. p. 62-69. In 2000 Field Day Proceedings: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 00-1, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Stannard, M., J.L. Brunty, and W.L. Pan. 2000. Planting dates for fall cover crops in the irrigated Columbia Basin. NRCS Technical Notes, Agronomy-44, Spokane WA.
Veseth, R.J., D. Wysocki, R. Karow, S. Guy, B. Schillinger, J. Yenish, B. Brown and L. Robertson. 2000. Pacific Northwest Conservation Tillage Update newsletter. 14 pgs. University of Idaho, Oregon State University and Washington State University.
Veseth, R. June 2000. PNW grower direct seed web forum. In 2000 Field Day Proceedings: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 00-1, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Veseth, R., E. Mallory, T. Fiez, R.D. Roe, and D. Wysocki. June 2000. PNW direct seed grower case study publications. In 2000 Field Day Proceedings: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 00-1, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Veseth, R., D. Wysocki, R. Karow, S. Guy, B. Schillinger, S. Dofing, J. Yenish, L. Robertson, and B. Brown. June 2000. PNW direct seed e-mail list serve. In 2000 Field Day Proceedings: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 00-1, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Wang, H., D. Young, and O. Camara. 2000. PM10 Educational program promotes adoption of wind erosion control practices. p. 107-109. In S. Dofing, and R. Veseth (eds.) 2000 Field Day Proceedings: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 00-1, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Young, D. and D. Reppe. 2000. Wind Erosion Predictions for the Lind and Ralston Projects. p. 104-106. In S. Dofing and R. Veseth (eds.) 2000 Field Day Proceedings: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 00-1, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Young, D., H. Hinman, and R. Veseth. June 2000. PNW economics research shows no-till profitability. In 2000 Field Day Proceedings: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 00-1, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Book Chapters
Kennedy, A.C. 1999. Microbial diversity in agroecosystem quality. p 1-17. In Biodiversity in Agroecosystems. W.W. Collins and C.O. Qualset (eds.) CRC Press. Boca Raton, FL.
Stott, D.E., A.C. Kennedy, and C.A. Cambardella. 1999. Impact of soil organisms and organic matter on soil erodibility. p. 57-74. In R. Lal (ed.) Soil Quality and Soil Erosion. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL and Soil and Water Conservation Society, Ankeny, IA.
Refereed Journal Articles
Haller, L., C. Claiborn, J. Koenig, T. Larson, and G. Norris. 1999. Airborne particulate matter size distributions in an urban area. Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association 49:161-168.
Ibekwe, A.M. and A.C. Kennedy. 1999. Fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) profiles as a tool to investigate community structure of two agricultural soils. Plant and Soil 206:151-161.
Kennedy, A.C. 1999. Soil microorganisms for weed management. Journal of Crop Production 2:123-138.
Schillinger, W.F., R.J. Cook, and R.I. Papendick. 1999. Increased cropping intensity for dryland with no-till barley. Agronomy Journal 91:744-752.
Schillinger, W. F., R.I. Papendick, R.J. Veseth, and F.L. Young. 1999. Russian thistle skeletons provide residue in wheat-fallow cropping systems. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 54:506-509.
Schwartz, J., G. Norris, T. Larsen, L. Sheppard, C. Claiborn, and J. Koenig. 1999. Episodes of high coarse particle concentrations are not associated with increased mortality. Environmental Health Perspectives 107:339-342.
Thesis and Dissertation
Camara, O.M. (Agricultural Economics). 1999. Assessing the economic viability of no-till farming systems for two agro-climatic zones in the Pacific Northwest. M.A. thesis, Washington State University.
Janosky, J.S. (Agricultural Economics). 1999. An economic analysis of conservation tillage cropping systems in eastern Washington. M.A thesis, Washington State University.
Villasenor-Gutierrez, R. (Environmental Engineering). 1999. Modeling high wintertime particulate matter episodes in a city of complex terrain. M.S. thesis, Washington State University.
Extension Bulletins
Camara, O., D. Young, and H. Hinman. 1999. Economic case studies of Eastern Washington no-till farmers growing wheat and barley in the 8-13 inch precipitation zone. Cooperative Extension Bulletin 1885, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Esser, A.D. 1999. On-farm test results, Lincoln-Adams area 1999. Adams County Technical Report OFT-99.
Hinman, H. and A.D. Esser. 1999. 1999 Enterprise budgets, summer fallow-winter wheat rotations and hard red spring wheat annual cropping, Adams County, Washington State. Cooperative Extension Bulletin 1883, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Mallory, E., T. Fiez, R. Veseth, D. Roe and D. Wysocki. December 1999. Direct seeding case study series for the Inland Northwest. Pacific Northwest Conservation Tillage Handbook Series No. 11, Chapter 10.
Mallory, E., T. Fiez, R. Veseth, D. Roe and D. Wysocki. 1999. Direct seeding in the Inland Northwest: John Rea farm case study. Pacific Northwest Extension Publication PNW 514.
Schillinger, W.F., Donald Wellsandt, Doug Wellsandt, R.J. Cook, R. Papendick, and H. Schafer. 1999. Increased cropping intensity for dryland with no-till barley. Pacific Northwest Conservation Tillage Handbook Series No. 24, Chapter 2.
Schillinger, W.F., F. Young, H. Schafer, and L. McGrew. 1999. Soil water use and growth of Russian thistle after wheat harvest. Pacific Northwest Conservation Tillage Handbook Series No. 17, Chapter 5.
Veseth, R.J. 1999. PNW direct seeding status – and what’s driving it. Pacific Northwest Conservation Tillage Handbook Series No. 25, Chapter 2.
Veseth, R.J. 1999. Northwest directory of technology resources for direct seed cropping systems – 2nd Edition. Pacific Northwest Conservation Tillage Handbook Series No. 10, Chapter 10.
Veseth, R.J. December 1999. New PNW direct seed e-mail list server. Pacific Northwest Conservation Tillage Handbook Series No. 12, Chapter 10.
Veseth, R.J. and R.S. Karow. 1999. Direct seeding or no-till – What’s the difference? Pacific Northwest Conservation Tillage Handbook Series No. 23, Chapter 2.
Veseth, R., S. Wuest, R. Karow, S. Guy, and D. Wysocki. 1999. On-farm testing – A scientific approach to grower evaluation of new technologies. Pacific Northwest Conservation Tillage Handbook Series No. 9, Chapter 10.
Conference Proceedings
Chandler, D.G. and K.E. Saxton. 1999. Developments in measurement and models for suspension-dominated wind erosion. Proceedings of International Soil Conservation Organization. p. 688-692. In E.E. Stott, R.H. Mohtar, and G.C. Steinhardt (eds). Sustaining the Global Farm – Selected papers from the 10th International Soil Conservation Organization Meeting, 24-29 May, West Lafayette, IN. CD-ROM available from the USDA-ARS National Soil Erosion Laboratory, West Lafayette, IN.
Elberson, L., S. Clement, and F.L. Young. 1999. Insect pests and beneficials in small grains under conservation tillage in the semiarid wheat – fallow region of Washington state. p 77-80. In Research Reports 58th Annual Pacific Northwest Insect Management Conference, January, Portland, OR.
Fiez, T., and W. Schillinger. 1999. Row spacing effects of direct seeded spring wheat and barley in the low-rainfall cropping zone. p. 168-171. In R.J. Veseth (ed.) Proceedings of the Northwest Direct Seed Intensive Cropping Conference, 5-7 January, Spokane, WA.
Saxton, K.E., D. Chandler, and W.F. Schillinger. 1999. Wind erosion and air quality research in the Northwest U.S. Columbia Plateau: Organization and progress. p. 766-770. In E.E. Stott, R.H. Mohtar, and G.C. Steinhardt (eds). Sustaining the Global Farm – Selected papers from the 10th International Soil Conservation Organization Meeting, 24-29 May, West Lafayette, IN. CD-ROM available from the USDA-ARS National Soil Erosion Laboratory, West Lafayette, IN.
Schillinger, W., R. Jirava, B. Wetli, R.J. Cook, R. Papendick, R. Veseth, H. Schafer, R. Gillespie, A. Kennedy, J. Yenish, K. Saxton, and D. Wysocki. 1999. Alternative crop rotations using no-till in low-rainfall dryland areas. p. 69-72. In F. Lessiter (ed.) Proceedings of the 10th Annual National No-Tillage Conference, 21-23 Jan., St. Louis, MO.
Veseth, R.J. (ed.). 1999. Proceedings of Northwest Direct Seed Cropping Systems Conference and Trade Show, 5-7 Jan., Spokane, WA. Northwest Direct Seed Conference office, P.O. Box 2002, Pasco, WA.
Published Abstracts
Chandler, D.G., K. Saxton, B. Lamb, and C. Claiborn. 1999. An empirical model of wind erosion and fugitive dust fluxes from agricultural lands on the Columbia Plateau. Pacific Northwest International Section of the Air and Waste Management Association annual conference, 3-5 Nov. Pasco WA.
Frazier, B.E., and R. Rupp. 1999. Use of AVHRR to distinguish soil covers in the inland Northwest. p. 1106. In From Image to Information, Proceedings ASPRS annual conference, America Society of Photogram and Remote Sensing, Bethesda, MD.
Mallory, E., T. Fiez, R. Veseth, D. Roe, and D. Wysocki. 1999. Using growers case studies to facilitate grower adoptions of no-till systems in the inland northwest. Soil Science Society of America annual meeting, 31 Oct. – 4 Nov., Salt Lake City, UT. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Abstracts.
Schillinger, W.F. 1999. Farming without tillage: Possibilities for inland Pacific Northwest drylands. p. 28-29. Northwest Biosolids Management Association annual meeting, 12-14 Sept., Chelan, WA. Northwest Biosolids Management Conference Abstracts.
Schillinger, W.F., R.J. Cook, K.E. Saxton, R.I. Papendick, A.C. Kennedy, D.L. Young, and R.L. Gillespie. 1999. Direct seeding and intensive cropping research in typical wheat-fallow areas. p. 445. Western Society of Crop Science annual meeting, 28-30 June, Powell, WY. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Abstracts.
Schillinger, W.F., and K.E. Saxton. 1999. Wind erosion control for low-organic, non-aggregated agricultural soils. p. 285. Soil Science Society of America annual meeting, 31 Oct. – 4 Nov., Salt Lake City, UT. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Abstracts.
Schillinger, W.F. and C.W. Shelton. 1999. Water use and growth of dryland alternative crops in the inland Pacific Northwest. p. 61. American Society of Agronomy annual meeting, 31 Oct. – 4 Nov., Salt Lake City, UT. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Abstracts.
Experiment Station Research and Extension Reports
Fiez, T., and W. Schillinger. 1999. Row spacing effects on no-till spring wheat and barley yields in the low-rainfall zone. p. 88-91. In 1999 Field Day Proceedings: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 99-1, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Janosky, J.S., D.L. Young, and W.F. Schillinger. 1999. Profitability analysis for 1995-1998 results of wheat-fallow cropping at Lind, Washington. p. 128-130. In 1999 Field Day Proceedings: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 99-1, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Janosky, J.S., D.L. Young and F.L. Young. 1999. Profitability analysis for Ralston spring cropping trials, 1996-1998. p. 134-137. In S. Dofing (ed.) 1999 Field Day Proceedings: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 99-1, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Schillinger, W., R. Cook, K. Saxton, R. Papendick, H. Schafer, D. Young, R. Gillespie, A. Kennedy, J. Yenish, T. Lumpkin, R. Veseth, J. Driessen, and B. Sauer. 1999. Long-term alternative cropping systems for the drylands. p. 134-137. In S. Dofing (ed.) 1999 Field Day Proceedings: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 99-1, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Schillinger, W., C. Shelton, and H. Schafer. 1999. Water use by alternative crops. p. 110-111. In 1999 Field Day Proceedings: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 99-1, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Veseth, R.J. June 1999. Northwest direct seed cropping systems conferences provide technology access. Published in both the 1999 Field Day Proceedings: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 99-1, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.; and the 1999 University of Idaho Department of Plant, Soil and Entomological Sciences 1999 Field Day Research and Extension Report, Moscow, ID.
Veseth, R., S. Guy, D. Cox, D. Thill, J. Hammel, T. Fiez, and J. Yenish. June 1999. Direct seed systems for grain legumes – pursuing improved erosion control, water storage, yields and profitability. Published in both the 1999 Field Day Proceedings: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 99-1, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.; and the 1999 University of Idaho Department of Plant, Soil and Entomological Sciences 1999 Field Day Research and Extension Report., Moscow, ID.
Book Chapter
Papendick, R.I. (ed.). 1998. Farming with the wind: Best management practices for controlling wind erosion and air quality on Columbia Plateau croplands. Washington State University College of Agriculture and Home Economics Miscellaneous Publication MISC0208.
Refereed Journal Articles
laiborn, C., B.K. Lamb, A. Miller, J. Beseda, B. Clode, J. Vaughan, L. Kang, and C. Newvine. 1998. Regional measurements and modeling of windblown agricultural dust: The Columbia Plateau PM10 program. Journal of Geophysical Research 103:753-767.
Gewin, V.L., A.C. Kennedy, R. Veseth, and B.C. Miller. 1998. Soil quality changes in eastern Washington with Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) take-out. Journal of Soil Water Conservation 54:41-47.
Horning, L., L. Stetler, and K.E. Saxton. 1998. Surface residue and soil roughness for wind erosion protection. Transactions of American Society of Agricultural Engineers 4:1061-1065.
Ibekwe, A.M. and A.C. Kennedy. 1998. Phospholipid fatty acid profiles and carbon utilization patterns for analysis of microbial community structure under field and greenhouse conditions. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 26:151-163.
Mohammad, M.J., W.L. Pan, and A.C. Kennedy. 1998. Seasonal mycorrhizal colonization of winter wheat and its effect on wheat growth under dryland field conditions. Mycorrhiza 8:139-144.
Schillinger, W.F., E. Donaldson, R.E. Allan, and S.S. Jones. 1998. Winter wheat seedling emergence from deep sowing depths. Agronomy Journal 90:582-586.
Kennedy, A.C. 1998. Determination of the source of a soil sample. United States Patent Number 5,766,953. June 16.
Thesis and Dissertation
Beseda, J. (Chemical Engineering). 1998. Statistical and receptor model analyses of windblown dust. M.S. thesis, Washington State University.
Brunty, J.L. (Soil Science). 1998. The use of cover crops to recover residual nitrogen in the Columbia Basin of Washington. Ph.D. dissertation, Washington State University.
Lee, B.-H. (Environmental Engineering). 1998. Regional air quality modeling of PM10 due to windblown dust on the Columbia Plateau. M.S. thesis, Washington State University.
Extension Bulletins
Busacca, A.J. 1998. Dust Aerosols, Loess Soils, and Global Change Conference Proceedings. Washington State University College of Agriculture and Home Economics Miscellaneous Publication MISC0190, Pullman, WA.
Busacca, A. 1998. Field Tour Guide: Wind erosion and air quality, loess deposits and geologic history of the Columbia Plateau. p. 150. Prepared for pre-meeting tour, Dust Aerosols, Loess Soils, and Global Change Conference, 11-14 October, Seattle WA.
Busacca, A.J., L. Wagoner, P. Mehringer, Jr., and M. Bacon. 1998. Effect of human activity on dustfall: A 1,300-year lake-core record of dust deposition on the Columbia Plateau, Pacific Northwest USA. p. 8-11. In A.J. Busacca (ed.) Dust Aerosols, Loess Soils, and Global Change. College of Agriculture and Home Economics Miscellaneous Publication MISC0190, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Esser, A.D. 1998. On-farm test results, Lincoln-Adams area 1998. Adams County Technical Report OFT-98.
Schillinger, W., R. Papendick, R. Veseth, F. Young, H. Schafer, and B. Sauer. 1998. Russian thistle skeletons provide residue in wheat-fallow cropping systems. Pacific Northwest Conservation Tillage Handbook Series No. 20, Chapter 3.
Veseth, R.J. May 1998. Direct seed movement gains momentum with 1998 conference. Pacific Northwest Conservation Tillage Handbook Series No. 22 (updates No. 19), Chapter 2.
Yenish, J., R. Veseth, A. Ogg, D. Thill, D. Ball, F. Young, E. Gallandt, D. Morishita, C. Mallory-Smith, D. Wysocki, and T. Gohlke. 1998. Managing downy brome under conservation tillage systems in the Inland Northwest cropping region. Pacific Northwest Extension Publication PNW 0509.
Conference Proceedings
Chandler, D.G., L. Horning, L.D. Stetler and K.E. Saxton. 1998. Relating empirical parameters of a dust emission model to loess soil properties. p. 42-44. Dust Aerosols, Loess Soils and Global Change Conference Proceedings, 9-14 Oct., Seattle WA.
Kennedy, A.C. and A.J. Busacca. 1998. Biological Fingerprinting of Dust Aerosols. p. 49-50. In A.J. Busacca (ed.) Dust Aerosols, Loess Soils and Global Change. Washington State University, College of Agriculture and Home Economics Miscellaneous Publication no. MISC0190, Pullman, WA.
Lee, B.-H, B. Lamb, C. Claiborn, D. Chandler and K. Saxton. 1998. Regional modeling of windblown dust in the Columbia Plateau and analyses of modeling uncertainties. p 59-62. In Dust Aerosols, Loess Soils and Global Change Conference Proceedings, 9-14 Oct., Seattle WA.
Lumpkin, T.A., and A.J. Busacca. 1998. The critical role of loess soils in the food supply of ancient and modern societies. p. 95-98. In A.J. Busacca (ed.) Dust Aerosols, Loess Soils, and Global Change. Washington State University College of Agriculture and Home Economics Miscellaneous Publication no. MISC0190, Pullman, WA.
Saxton, K.E., D. Chandler, L. Stetler, B. Lamb, and C. Claiborn. 1998. A wind erosion and fugitive dust model for loessial soils in the Pacific Northwest. p. 81-84. In Conference Proceedings Dust Aerosols, Loess Soils and Global Change, 11-14 Oct., Seattle, WA.
Saxton, K.E., D. Chandler, L. Stetler, B. Lamb, C. Claiborn and B. Lee. 1998. Predicting PM10 and PM2.5 dust emissions from agricultural wind erosion. p. 1119-1129. Conference Proceedings AWMA, Emissions Inventory: Living in a Global Environment, 8-10 Dec., New Orleans, LA.
Schillinger, W., R. Jirava, B. Wetli, R.J. Cook, R. Papendick, R. Veseth, H. Schafer, R. Gillespie, A. Kennedy, J. Yenish, K. Saxton, and D. Wysocki. 1998. Alternative crop rotations using no-till in low-rainfall dryland areas. p. 71-74. In R. Veseth (ed.) Proceedings of the Northwest Direct Seed Intensive Cropping Conference, 7-8 January, Pasco, WA.
Veseth, R., S.B. Wuest, B.C. Miller, R.S. Karow, S.O. Guy, D.J. Wysocki and T. Fiez. 1998. Producer managed on-farm testing — A scientific approach to grower evaluation of new conservation farming technologies: Experiences in Idaho, Oregon and Washington. In Proceedings of AgriFUTURE Farm Technology Expo, Alberta Conservation Tillage Society, 4-6 Feb., Red Deer, Alberta, Canada.
Published Abstracts
Kennedy, A.C., A.M. Ibekwe, and P.S. Frohne. 1998. Lipids as biological indicators of soil. Soil Science Society of America annual meeting, 18-22 Oct., Baltimore, MD. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Abstracts.
Saxton, K.E., D. Chandler, L. Stetler, B. Lamb, C. Claiborn and B. Lee. 1998. Wind erosion and fugitive dust fluxes on agricultural lands in the Pacific Northwest. Proceedings No. 982058, annual meeting of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers, 12-16 July, Orlando, FL.
Schillinger, W.F. 1998. Alternative crop rotations using no-till in low-precipitation dryland areas. Soil and Water Conservation Society annual conference, 5-9 July, San Diego, CA. In Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 52:165.
Schillinger, W.F., R.J. Cook, and R.I. Papendick. 1998. Alternative cropping systems using no-till for low-precipitation dryland areas. p. 271. Soil Science Society of America annual meeting, 18-22 Oct., Baltimore, MD. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Abstracts.
Schillinger, W.F., and F.L. Young. 1998. Soil water use and growth of Russian thistle after wheat harvest. p. 109. Western Society of Weed Science annual meeting, 10-12 March, Waikoloa, HI. Proceedings annual meeting Western Society Weed Science.
Veseth, R., R.J. Cook, and D.J. Wysocki. 1998. Pacific Northwest transition to direct seed intensive cropping. American Society of Agronomy annual meeting, 18-22 Oct., Baltimore, MD. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Abstracts.
Experiment Station Research and Extension Reports
Cook, R.J., W. Schillinger, S. Ullrich, and R. Papendick. 1998. Extension of the traditional winter wheat/fallow rotation with direct-seeded barley. p. 59-62. In 1998 Field Day Proceedings: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 98-2, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Schillinger, W., R.J. Cook, R. Papendick, R. Veseth, H. Schafer, K. Saxton, R. Gillespie, A. Kennedy, J. Yenish, and J. Driessen. 1998. Alternative annual crop rotations for low-rainfall dryland using no-till. p. 55-58. In 1998 Field Day Proceedings: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 98-2, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Schillinger, B., B. Papendick, K. Saxton, J. Cook, H. Schafer, J. Driessen, D. Evans, S. Albrecht, and E. Donaldson. 1998. No-till annual cropping in the Horse Heaven Hills. p. 54. In 1998 Field Day Proceedings: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 98-2, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Schillinger, B., B. Papendick, R. Veseth, F. Young, H. Schafer, and B. Sauer. 1998. Conserve Russian thistle skeletons in low crop residue situations. p. 47-53. In 1998 Field Day Proceedings: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 98-2, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Schillinger, W., F. Young, H. Schafer, and L. McGrew. 1998. Russian thistle: Water use and growth of after wheat harvest. p. 51-52. In 1999 Field Day Proceedings: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 99-1, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Schillinger, B., F. Young, H. Schafer, and L. McGrew. 1998. Soil water use and growth of Russian thistle after wheat harvest. p. 43-46. In 1998 Field Day Proceedings: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 98-2, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Stannard, M., W.L. Pan, J.L. Brunty and R.L. Gillespie. 1998. Management of residual nitrogen with cover crops. NRCS Technical Notes, Agronomy-38, Spokane WA.
Thorne, M.A. and F.L. Young. 1998. Integrated spring cropping systems for the semiarid wheat – fallow region. p. 97. Technical Report 98-1, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Veseth, R.J. June 1998. Direct seed conference another sign of a new era in farming — and the 1999 conference plans are underway. 1998 Field Day Proceedings: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 98-2, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Veseth, R.J. June 1998. Direct seed and minimum tillage systems for grain legumes. 1998 Field Day Proceedings: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 98-2, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Veseth, R.J., R.J. Cook, et al. June 1998. Grower-initiated on farm research on direct seed cropping systems in cooperation with WSU and ARS Scientists, and other ag support groups. 1998 Field Day Proceedings: Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 98-2, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Refereed Journal Articles
Schillinger, W.F. and R.I. Papendick. 1997. Tillage mulch depth effects during fallow on wheat production and wind erosion control factors. Soil Science Society of America Journal 61:871-876.
Schillinger, W.F. and D.E. Wilkins. 1997. Deep ripping fall-planted wheat after fallow to improve infiltration and reduce erosion. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 52:198-202.
Thesis and Dissertation
Marks, H. (Soil Science). 1997. Regional assessment of soil properties that influence wind erosion on the Columbia Plateau. M.S. thesis, Washington State University.
Extension Bulletins
Schillinger, W., C. Hennings, R. Papendick, H. Schafer, and R. Veseth. 1997. Tillage mulch depth effects during fallow on wheat production and wind erosion control factors. Pacific Northwest Conservation Tillage Handbook Series No. 18, Chapter 2.
Schillinger, W., G. Miller, R. Jirava, H. Schafer, R. Veseth and R. Papendick. 1997. Packing summer fallow before planting winter wheat: agronomic benefits and environmental concerns. Pacific Northwest Conservation Tillage Handbook Series No. 17, Chapter 2.
Veseth, R.J. 1997. Direct seeding movement aimed at global competitiveness, soil productivity and erosion. Pacific Northwest Conservation Tillage Handbook Series No. 19, Chapter 2.
Veseth, R.J., S. Guy, D. Thill, J. Hammel, T. Fiez, and J. Yenish. 1997. New minimum tillage systems for legume- winter wheat cropping sequence. Pacific Northwest Conservation Tillage Handbook Series No. 20, Chapter 2.
Veseth, R.J., B. Miller, and T. Fiez. 1997. CRP take-out: A unique opportunity for the transition to direct seeding. Pacific Northwest Conservation Tillage Handbook Series No. 21 Chapter 2. O
Veseth, R.J. 1997. The first no-till step – combine residue spreading. Pacific Northwest Conservation Tillage Handbook Series No. 19, Chapter 3.
Published Abstracts
Kennedy, A.C., A.J. Busacca, and A.M. Ibekwe. 1997. Biomarkers for identification of displaced soil. Agronomy Abstracts. p. 204. Soil Science Society of America annual meeting, 27-30 October, Anaheim, CA. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Abstracts.
Wagoner, L., A. Busacca, P. Mehringer, and M. Bacon. 1997. Modern and geologic rates of dust flux into Fourth of July Lake, Columbia Plateau, Southeastern Washington. Wind Erosion International Symposium, 3-5 June, Manhattan, KS.
Refereed Journal Articles
Pietersma, D., L.D. Stetler, and K.E. Saxton. 1996. Design and aerodynamics of a portable wind tunnel for soil erosion and fugitive dust research. Transactions of American Society of Agricultural Engineers 39:2075-2083.
Saxton, K.E. 1996. Agricultural wind erosion and air quality impacts: A comprehensive research program. American Journal of Alternative Agriculture 11:64-70.
Schillinger, W.F. 1996. Packing summer fallow in the Pacific Northwest: Agronomic benefits and environmental concerns. Agronomy Journal 88:9-13.
Schillinger, W.F. and F.E. Bolton. 1996. Packing summer fallow in the Pacific Northwest: Seed zone water retention. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 51:62-66.
Stetler, L.D. and K.E. Saxton. 1996. Wind Erosion and PM10 emissions from agricultural fields on the Columbia Plateau. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 21:673-685.
Extension Bulletins
Veseth, R.J, B. Miller, T. Fiez, T. Walters, and H. Schafer. 1996. Returning CRP land to crop production. Pacific Northwest Conservation Tillage Handbook Series No. 16, Chapter 2.
Published Abstracts
Gill, T.E., A.C. Kennedy, and T.M. Zobeck. 1996. Microbial fatty acid methyl esters as biomarkers: Application to provenance determination of soil erosion and sediment transport. Geological Society of America Abstract 28:253.
Horning, L., L.D. Stetler, and K. Saxton. 1996. Surface residue and soil roughness for wind erosion protection. American Society of Agricultural Engineers annual meeting, 17 July, Phoenix, AZ.
Kennedy, A.C. 1996. Molecular analysis in soil quality assessment. p. 224. Soil Science Society of America annual meeting, 3-8 November, Indianapolis, IN. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Abstracts.
Kennedy, A.C., A.J. Busacca, and C.S. Claiborn. 1996. Biological fingerprinting for source identification of displaced soil particles. Abstracts of 77th annual meeting of the Pacific Division, American Association for the Advancement of Science, Western Soil Science Society of America, San Jose, CA.
Experiment Station Research and Extension Reports
Veseth, R.J., B. Miller, T. Fiez, T. Walters, and H. Schafer. 1996. Management considerations for returning CRP land to crop production. Highlights of Research Progress. Technical Report 96-2, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Refereed Journal Articles
Saxton, K.E. 1995. Wind erosion and its impact on off-site air quality in the Columbia Plateau – an integrated research plan. Transactions of American Society of Agricultural Engineers 38:1031-1038.
Extension Bulletins
Veseth, R. and D. Wysocki. 1995. Management guides for Russian thistle and downy brome. Pacific Northwest Conservation Tillage Handbook Series No. 16, Chapter 5.
Young, F., R.J. Veseth, D. Thill, W.F. Schillinger, and D. Ball. 1995. Russian thistle management under conservations systems in Pacific Northwest crop-fallow regions. Pacific Northwest Conservation Tillage Handbook Series No. 16, Chapter 5.
Conference Proceedings
Claiborn, C., B. Lamb, C. Newvine, and A. Miller. 1995. Measurements of windblown PM10 in Central and Eastern Washington during the windblown dust season of 1993 and 1994. In Particulate Matter: Health and Regulatory Issues: 49:548-561.
Kennedy, A.C., and A.J. Busacca. 1995. Microbial analysis to identify source of PM10 material. In Particulate Matter: Health and Regulatory Issues: 49:670-679.
Lamb, B., C. Claiborn, L. Kang, A. Miller, and J. Vaughan. 1995. Development of a regional air quality model for windblown dust. In Particulate Matter: Health and Regulatory Issues: 49:562-571.
Saxton, K.E. 1995. Fugitive dust from agricultural wind erosion – A comprehensive research program. In Particulate Matter: Health and Regulatory Issues: 49:514-524.
Saxton, K.E., B. Lamb, C. Claiborn, B. Frazier, and L. Stetler. 1995. Regional airborne particulates during wind erosion of agricultural fields. In J. Tomas and I. Stone (eds.). p. 34-49. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Air Pollution by Particulates, 4-6 October, Prague Czechoslovakia.
Stetler, L.D. and K.E. Saxton. 1995. Fugitive dust PM10 emissions and eroded soil relations from agricultural fields on the Columbia Plateau. In Particulate Matter Health and Regulatory Issues: 49:537-547.
Vaughan, J. and B.E. Frazier. 1995. Source area studies using AVHRR and GIS. In Particulate Matter Health and Regulatory Issues: 49:525-536.
Published Abstracts
Stetler, L.D. and K.E. Saxton. 1995. Simultaneous wind erosion and PM10 fluxes from agricultural lands on the Columbia Plateau. In Air and Waste Management Association 88th annual meeting, 18-23 June, San Antonio, TX.
Experiment Station Research and Extension Reports
Young, F., R.J. Veseth, D. Thill, W.F. Schillinger, and D. Ball. 1995. Managing Russian thistle under conservation tillage in crop-fallow rotations. PNW Extension publication in Idaho, Oregon and Washington.
Extension Bulletins
Veseth, R.J. 1994. Controlling cropland wind erosion and off-site impacts in the Pacific Northwest… A positive approach. 7 pp. Washington State University, College of Agriculture and Home Economics Miscellaneous Publication MISC0177. Pullman, WA.
Conference Proceedings
Stetler, L., K.E. Saxton, and D. Fryrear. 1994. Wind erosion and PM10 measurements from agricultural fields in Texas and Washington. In Air and Waste Management Association 87th annual meeting, 19-24 June, Cincinnati, OH.

Farming with the Wind II
- Index (pdf)
- Chapter 1: Purpose, Progress, and Perspectives (pdf)
- Chapter 2: An Analysis of Historic and Present Dust (pdf)
- Chapter 3: Wind Erosion, Dust Emissions and Air Quality Prediction (pdf)
- Chapter 4: Cropping Systems Research to Control Wind Erosion and Dust Emissions on Dryland Farms (pdf)
- Chapter 5: Wind Erosion Control Research on Irrigated Lands of the Columbia Plateau (pdf)
- Chapter 6: On-Farm Testing and Extension Outreach to Aid Adoption of Best Management Practices (pdf)
- Chapter 7: Promoting and Applying Conservation Practices on Dry and Irrigated Croplands (pdf)
- Chapter 8: Wind Erosion and Air Quality Issues Addressed in the 2002 Farm Bill (pdf)
- Chapter 9: Summary: CP3 Highlights and Priorities for the Future (pdf)
- Appendix (pdf)
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Samantha Crow
Program Specialist 2